Page 3 - Mens Urinary Health Newsletter
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Evaluating Sexual Health & Function                                             Are Your Medications
                                                                                       Getting You Down?
       An erection occurs from stimulation formed by thoughts, images or touch         Many medications can play a
       which causes blood to flow to the penis. As the penis fills with blood through    role in sexual function. If you
       healthy blood vessels, the veins close off temporarily, resulting in an erection.   are concerned about the role
       When the vessels are not healthy, the blood flow decreases, causing difficulty    medications may play in your
       maintaining an erection.                                                        sexual life, review the list of

       There are many different medical diagnoses that can play a vital role in one’s   medications that can cause
       sexual health. Evaluation of erectile dysfunction should include sexual,        erectile dysfunction below:
       medical and psychosocial history. A complete physical exam and labs should      Antihypertensives:
       be done in assessing why erectile dysfunction is occurring. Cardiac disease
       and diabetes can also play a role and will need to be evaluated.                ✓ Dieuretics
                                                                                       ✓ Spironlactone
       When evaluating patients for erectile dysfunction, treatment is not our only    ✓ Clonidine
       focus. The cause of your erectile dysfunction will play a vital role in achieving   ✓ Methyldopa
       the best outcomes.                                                              ✓ Alpha blocker
                                                                                       ✓ Beta blocker
       Treating ED                                                                     Antidepressants:

       The first step to managing erectile dysfunction is to address the risk factors   ✓ Tricyclic
       involved. Talk to your provider or cardiologist about treating any underlying   ✓ MOI’s
       illnesses that may be affecting your sexual health. The following are issues    ✓ SSRI’s
       that should be addressed: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and
       hypogonadism.                                                                   Antipsychotics
       You should also modify your health by smoking cessation, consulting with a
       provider about a healthy diet, exercising and reducing your alcohol             ✓ Benzodiazepine
                                               Next, you and your provider will        ✓ H2 blocker
       Did You Know?                           need to choose the right erectile       ✓ Histamine
                                               dysfunction therapy for you.            ✓ Digoxin
       Your lifestyle may play a role in
       erectile dysfunction:                   Treatment options include:              Other:

       ✓ Smoking                               ✓ Medications                           ✓ Alcohol
       ✓ Sedentary lifestyle                   ✓ Testosterone replacement              ✓ Niacin
                                               ✓ Lifestyle changes                     ✓ Phenobarbital
       ✓ Lack of exercise
                                               ✓ Acupuncture                           ✓ Dilantin
       ✓ Stress
                                               ✓ Herbs and supplements                 ✓ Opiates
       ✓ Obesity                               ✓ Marriage counselor or sex
       ✓ Alcoholism                                therapy                             If you are taking any of these

       ✓ Recreational drugs                    Urology Northwest offers a unique       medications and are
       Speak with your provider to learn       sexual health pathway that will help    concerned about how they
       about simple ways you can modify        to return you to your optimal sexual    may be affecting your sexual
       your lifestyle to enhance your sexual   health and function. Give us a call to   health, consult with your
       health and performance.                 begin discussing your questions and
                                               concerns, 425.275.5555.
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