Page 11 - the pulse spring 2019 e-magazine about Whidbey Health on Whidbey Island
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11 Sign Up for Classes
Car Seat Safety Check When: 2 to 3 p.m. First Wednesday of each month
Free child car seat safety checks available for parents or caregivers. Where: WhidbeyHealth Health Education Center
Where: Oak Harbor Fire Station Whidbey Island Facilitator: Maggie Schuster, Registered Dietitian
When: 3 to 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday of July, Sept. and Nov. Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2130
Phone: 360.279.4700 Fee: Free; Pre-registration required
Information: Pre-register to reserve your time slot by emailing or visit Managing Chronic Pain Group
classes-and-programs. Join WhidbeyHealth Medical Social Worker Mariam Ross, MSW,
LICSW in a group that helps patients learn how to safely and
Chronic Heart Failure effectively manage their chronic pain.
Heart failure means the heart muscle is not pumping as well as When: Ongoing in Langley from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on Fridays. Limit 8.
it should. If you or someone you know has a diagnosis of heart Where: Call for Langley location
failure (CHF), please contact the Life Center for a free class. You Facilitator: Mariam Ross, MSW, LICSW
will learn what heart failure is and how to better manage it to Phone: 360.341.5252, ext. 4341
keep you in control of your health. Fee: Free; pre-registration required
When: By appointment any time during the year
Where: WhidbeyHealth Medical Center in the Life Center
Instructor: Kim Arends, RN, BSN
Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2130
Fee: Free; By appointment only
Getting Ready for Medicare
Statewide Health Insurance Benefit Advisors (SHIBA) are available
on Wednesdays at WhidbeyHealth Medical Center to help you
with your Medicare-related insurance questions. Call to schedule
a one-on-one appointment with a SHIBA counselor. You will receive
free, unbiased advice to help you meet your medical needs.
Instructor: Joan Wortman or Kati Corsaut, SHIBA volunteers
Phone: Medical Center at 360.678.5151, request a SHIBA meeting
Fee: Free
Heartwise Screenings
Heartwise Screenings include a complete cholesterol, triglyceride and
glucose panel and risk stratification. A registered nurse will discuss
intervention strategies with you, answer your questions and develop
an individualized holistic plan. Remembrances
When: 7 to 11 a.m. First Tuesday of each month
Where: WhidbeyHealth Medical Center in the Life Center of the Heart
Instructor: Janie Keilwitz, MN, RN, BSN
Phone: 360.678.7656, ext. 2130 2 p.m. Saturday, April 27
Fee: $105 for initial screening /$90 for recheck/Free for the
financially challenged; call for more info United Methodist Church
608 N. Main Street, Coupeville
Living with Loss
This 8-week grief support group is designed to help you process Remembrances of the Heart is a gathering that provides a
the normal yet difficult feelings of grief that follow the death of place to honor and remember your loved one alongside others
a loved one. The group meets once a week.
When: 6 to 8 p.m., Mondays, July 8 - Aug. 26 who have also experienced recent loss. The gathering is
Where: WhidbeyHealth Hospice Care, Coupeville casual and non-denominational, and will be followed by light
Facilitator: Allison Krizner, MA refreshments. If you would like to bring a picture or memento
Phone: 360.321.1372 or in memory of your loved one, we will have a remembrance
Fee: Free; Pre-registration required table set up during the time of gathering.
Nutrition for Health Host: Allison Krizner, MA Phone: 360.321.1372
Nutrition for Health covers basic nutrition, meal planning, reading
food labels and mindful eating. Handouts are included and there All Are Welcome
will be time for participant questions.