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Letter from the Publisher

        Dear Readers,

        From our family to yours, thank
        you for picking up your copy of
        Retirement Connection and sharing
        this resource with your family
        and friends. We are honored to be
        collaborating with the Alzheimer’s
        Association to print and share 5,000
        additional copies of the guide with
        caregivers as they search for care
        and services. This brings the total
        annual printing to 95,000 copies.  Visit our website for events,
                                         additional listings, and changing
        Retirement Connection is more    information. All changes or
        than a guide. Of course we want   additions made after the guide
        to be the most comprehensive     is printed are posted online at
   Preferred Location   print guide, but we also provide
        a valuable website to search
        educational articles, a thorough   Although I have worked in
                                         healthcare and senior housing for
        glossary of terms, local news posts,
        and an events calendar. Additionally,   the past 20 years, the past year has
                                         personally brought new empathy
        we strive to connect providers
        through networking opportunities,   for me. As my husband and I begin
                                         to care for aging family members;
        continuing education, and the
        sharing of resources.            support friends as they fight cancer;
                                         and I schedule knee surgery; we
        Retirement Connection is provided   have become more aware of the
        free of charge because our sponsors/  juggling act that family caregivers
        advertisers have provided the    face on a daily basis. It truly does
        financial support to maintain and   take a village and the merry-go
        update the guide and website.    round never stops.
        Please return the favor by contacting
        our sponsors when you encounter   Sincerely,
        a need for their services and please
        tell them “I found you because of
        Retirement Connection.”

        The guide is organized into three   Amy Schmidt,
        primary color coded sections and   Publisher
        includes a “How to Use This Guide”
        on page 10 to help you navigate.

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