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Retirement Connection Guide • 1-800-462-1316
         When to Have "The Conversation"
    At Home Care & Health  with your adult children about moving to   apartment? Are there specific dining room
                                          a microwave and refrigerator in your
         As a senior, initiating the conversation
                                          hours or can you get something to eat
         a senior living or retirement community
                                          anytime between 7:00 am to 6:00 pm?
         is often hard to approach. It’s a turn of
         life event, and can feel like you are asking
                                           What about the lifestyle? Are there
         for permission to live your life. Although
                                          enough options of things to do? What kind
         many seniors typically want their families
                                          of activities and communal events occur?
         included in these living decisions, it
         ultimately may not be a family consensus.
                                          independent and eventually find yourself
         Leaving the family home is a jarring     What about the care?  If you are
                                          needing care, do you have to move? If you
         experience for seniors and their children;   go on care, can you ever get off care? Ask
         it’s an action that signals a certain chapter   for copies of their last state survey.
         of life is over. This can leave adult children
         feeling hesitant and uncertain. Facing the   Take your families to see those
         fact that your parents are aging requires   communities on your short list. If you are
         the acknowledgment that family may not   prepared, your family will find it easier to
         always be there. These instances can be   respect your wishes. Be ready to answer
         uncomfortable to confront, such as in   financial questions up front. Your children
         situations of family members counting on   may want to know if you can afford this
         the “Mom and Dad Hotel” as a place to   lifestyle or if you are expecting assistance
         land while managing their own ups and   from them now or down the road.
         downs of life. Other adult children may   Although it’s hard to leave your home, you
         fear that their parents will spend all their   can take and cherish the memories forever.
         assets and potential inheritance. Although   What awaits is a lifestyle that supports your
         it’s human nature to have a full range of   needs and well-being. With new friends,
         fears, most adult children just want their   stimulation, and attention to basic needs,
         parents to be safe and happy.    you just may end up with more stress-free
         The Steps to having “The Conversation”   time to hang out with your family.
         with your family:
                                          Article provided by:
           Do Your Research. Tour communities   Garden Court Retirement
         and learn what costs & amenities are   425-438-9098
         available. Are the leases month to month
         or do they require a long lease or buy-in?
         These can be heavier and riskier financial

           What about food? Are there decent
         food choices? Are there menu items
         that correspond with your special
         dietary needs? Is there a kitchen or just
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