Page 16 - Coronado Stone Products Prospective e-magazine
P. 16
mutiny bay webs e-magazines
Thanks again for taking your time to view your proposed pro-
spective e-magazine which we feel would provide your com-
pany many benefits that would position your company over
other who sell stone products.
Once again we will be happy for you to a “test “your pro-
spective e-magazine if you wish too at no cost. Most of our
prospective clients found their sales increased and they ac-
quired new clients. We strongly feel your sales would in-
crease and your would retain new customers.
We are not suggesting the prospective e-magazine replace
your excellent website. We strongly feel an e-magazine
would supplement your website esplishily for those who use
their tablets and smart cell phones for products searches.
We appreciate your excellent quality pictures and image's
and will not use any of your information. We promise to de-
lete all of the information if you choose not to use our ser-
vices. The e-magazine is in a “beta stage and requires edits.”
Hopefully you will agree our services would be a good invest-
ment to increase sales and acquire new clients!
Another benefit we could provide is an e-magazine to co-
merchandise with Lowe’s or others about your products. The
e-magazine could be inserted into their websites.
Please feel free to call me with any questions, we can add ad-
ditional features, and changes you may wish to include.
Click the eagle to view your 2017 e-magazine>
Thanks Gaylon 360.333.9088 -