Page 6 - Coronado Stone Products Prospective e-magazine
P. 6

mutiny bay webs e-magazines

                              Other Methods To Utilize Our E-magazines

       A few more comments about e-magazine benefits. The previ-

       ous  pages  showed  an  effective  menu  using  e-magazines.

       Your UTube video Chanel  can be inserted in your prospective

       e-magazine  the videos could be very helpful to customers.

       On a following page we have designed a link to your website

       architectural specification and design process instructions.

       Your ‘About Us’ website page is very interesting and helps ex-

       plain tour company benefits which most customers - clients

       would enjoy. This information could also be designed in an e-

       magazine if you wished too.

       The Houzz website is an excellent information link which has

       wonderful methods to use your products and create sales!

       Your downloadable website page is excellent, this page could

       also have e-magazines if you wanted on the website page.

       I have lots of other possible uses if you wanted me to share

       with you your website and or your prospective e-magazine .

       The next page show some other methods we feel could help

       enhance  your  excellent  website  to  increase  your  company

       sales and acquire new clients - customers.

       We can also provide you with an e-mail portal for dealers to

       as a way shown your website and prospective e-magazine.

       The next page is a prospective front page of a dealer of your

       products  which  links  to  your  prospective  e-magazine.  This

       could be an excellent way for your dealers to e-mail to their

       clients - customers to view your products.
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