Page 10 - Island Times September 2019
P. 10
10 Oak HarbOr SeniOr Center September 2018
WELCOME TO FALL per Carrier Day. This is a day we honor Chip Batchellor, President of the
those who were or are now newspaper
Whidbey Island Gem Club, shows off
ily populated by kids from pre-teen
By Barry Wenaas many of you are able to enjoy this year’s carriers. Years ago it was a job primar- some rocks during their morning ses-
Program Assistant, Oak Harbor Senior Center festival. to 16-year olds. At that age, most kids
moved to restaurant, grocery store and
Well, we know summer is coming to an What a unique summer we have had. retail jobs. Newspaper carriers date
end when Labor Day arrives and the Labor Day is always celebrated the first back to the 1800s. September 10, 1833,
Oak Harbor Music Festival is here. Hope Monday in September. This is also called 10-year old Barney Flaherty became the
the “working man’s (woman)" holiday first newspaper carrier. Benjamin Day,
in appreciation for the work you do in publisher of the New York Sun, hired
or outside of the home, union or non Barney to sell papers for his penny press. Do you remember your first teddy bear?
union, big company or small, or govern- The only job requirement – he had to Did you take it everywhere; did you
ment. show he could throw the newspaper into cuddle it; sleep with it; talk to it and do
the bushes! October 26, 1982, President favorite things together? Well, the teddy
The first Labor Day was celebrated in Reagan issued a proclamation naming bear has a special day – September 9. It
New York City September 5, 1882 and this day Newspaper Carrier Appreciation is said no child should grow up without
W.I.G.S. was started by the Central Labor Union Day. If you still enjoy reading your news- a teddy bear. Many fire department and
of New York City. In 1884, it was moved
paper in print, consider leaving a little
police departments and EMS vehicles
(Whidbey Island to the first Monday in September. It something out to thank the person who have teddy bears available to soothe
quickly became popular and one state
delivers your newspaper!
children in need. Teddy bears make you
Genealogical Searchers) after another voted it as a holiday. June How many of you take time to pick up a feel secure in an otherwise insecure
28, 1894, the U.S. Congress voted it to be
a national holiday. It is also viewed as an real book and read? Well, take time out world. Many adults still have their teddy
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1–3 pm, official end of summer and the kids go September 6, pick up a book and read. bears. During the early 1900s Theodore
Roosevelt was in office as President of
2720 Heller Road, Fire Station #25 off to school and summer vacations are We have a great library system here on the United States. He was a hunter and
over. Labor Day traditions are celebrated the island with Sno-Isle Libraries. Get to
George Lawson, a firefighter and with a day off and celebrating one last your nearest library or senior center to while hunting in Mississippi in 1902,
former military member, will discuss picnic, closing pools and putting boats pick up a book. It doesn’t matter where he refused to shoot a small bear. The
9/11/2001 from the military and away. you read the book, just make sure it is in Washington Post picked up the story and
firefighter standpoints. a cozy comfortable place – if you doze made a cartoon of the event. Toy store
All are welcome to attend. One of the special days we celebrate in off, we won’t tell. Enjoy. owners, Morris and Rose Michtom wrote
September is Collect Rocks Day – which to President Roosevelt for permission
Call Bobby O’Neal, 360-632-5591 occurs the 16th. Did you know we have September 8 is International Literacy to call their stuffed animal Teddy Bears.
or email whidbeygensearchers@ a very active group of rock collectors at Day which was originated by United Teddy bears became wildly popular and for more information. their company came to be known as the
the Oak Harbor Senior Center? They are Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul-
a great group called the Whidbey Island tural Organizations (UNESCO). The first Ideal Toy Company, one of the largest
toy companies in the world. It is believed
Oak Harbor Rock and Gem Club. They meet every celebration was Sept. 8, 1968. teddy bears are very important to chil-
Tuesday evening and the Lapidary group
dren (young and old) and deserve a day
The first Sunday after Labor Day, we
Senior Center meets every Thursday evening. In Febru- celebrate National Grandparents Day. It of recognition. Winnie the Pooh is a very
ary, they present a very impressive gem
show for three days at the center. If you is time to celebrate those special people famous teddy bear. Don’t forget to take
51 SE Jerome St., are interested, please feel free to come who are always there with a hug, a kiss, time to have a Teddy Bear Picnic. So, do
Oak Harbor, WA 98277 by and see what they have to offer – a cookie, something special, or take you have memories of a special stuffed
Front Desk: 360-279-4580 great people – great fun. September 16, us somewhere. It is time to honor our pal you had years ago?
you can also act like a kid for Act Like a grandparents. As many of them are now
Normal Business Hours: Kid Day. The ice cream of choice today is special memories, take time to think of Remember September 11. I doubt
Mon-Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Rocky Road. some of those memories you have of anyone will ever forget where they were
Additional evening and your grandparents. National Grandpar- the morning of September 11, 2001
when they heard of the attacks on the
weekend classes and events Can you imagine sky scrapers here in ents Day originated in 1978. President twin towers of the World Trade Center in
as scheduled Oak Harbor? Seattle and Bellevue have Jimmy Carter declared it to be the first NYC and the Pentagon. This horrible day
Sunday after Labor Day. If you are a
plenty, so there is not a need for any
Yearly Membership Dues: $40 here on our island. However, there is a grandparent, enjoy a bit of grandchild will be etched in our memories forever
Available for anyone 50+ years Sky Scraper Day and it occurs September time if you can! We know many of you – like the attack on Pearl Harbor that
3. It is a day to appreciate and admire play a big role in the life of your grand- brought us to WWII, the 911 attacks led
Liz Lange • (360) 279-4581 the world’s tallest skyscrapers. The tall- children, some even being a primary us into a new war – the war on terrorism.
Senior Services Administrator est is in Dubai at 2,717 ft, 163 floors and caregiver. To those who fill this role, a I was in the Panhandle of Florida, and
Carly Waymire • (360) 279-4583 was built in 2010. Listed as 32nd is the huge happy National Grandparents Day as a Red Cross volunteer involved with
blood drives, we were activated to set up
Program Coordinator Empire State Building in New York at to you. You are amazing! centers and man with volunteers – basi-
1250 ft with 102 floors. They are energiz-
Barry Wenaas • (360) 279-4582 ing and architectural marvels. The 3rd September 9, 2018, Rosh Hashana cally 72 hours straight. People were lined
Program Assistant was chosen as it is Louis H. Sullivan’s begins at sundown and ends September up for hours – a steady stream of donors
birthday (1856), the architect credited 11. It is the celebration of the Jewish who just kept coming, all asking what
Send comments and suggestions with the first skyscraper. New Year. It celebrates the creation of they could do and all very patient. This
to the world and is one of the holiest days happened nationwide. America came
September 4, we can celebrate Newspa- of the Jewish year. together in an unselfish way.
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Marijuana can have intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Marijuana can impair concentration, coordination, and judgement. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug.
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Oak Harbor Senior Center, 360-279-4580