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Your hearing aid profile

         “With hearing aids, I can                                             Mid-range hearing aids -

         finally enjoy the sounds of                                           discreet and advanced                      surroundings and stay safe at all times.
                                                                               You confront many challenges in life – that’s
         nature again.”                                                        why you need hearing aids that make your

                                                                               life easier.                               Mid-range hearing aids are equipped
         Marion, 57, spring 2016                                                                                          with advanced modern technology and
                                                                               Even in difficult hearing situations, you   are so small, they disappear behind or
                                                                               expect to understand everything your       inside your ears. They are also easy to
                                                                               conversation partner is saying. Mid-range   use and have digital hearing programs
                                                                               hearing aids amplify the sound of a        that can automatically adjust to your
                                                                               person’s voice to a comfortable listening   environment. This feature allows you to
                                                                               volume while reducing background noise.    enjoy conversations in restaurants, listen to
                                                                               In quieter settings, mid-range devices     your favorite music, and watch your favorite
                                                                               distinguish softer, higher-pitched sounds   TV shows at a normal volume. Mid-range
                                                                               from louder ones. Imagine walking in the   devices also transmit frequencies in the
                                                                               woods and hearing the leaves rustling      medium and high-frequency ranges, so
                                                                               and the birds singing. Mid-range devices   you can understand every word clearly.
                                                                               also help to keep you alert. For instance,
                                                                               with hearing aids, you can hear a bicyclist   As a special feature, some devices offer
                                                                               coming from behind you and react           the possibility to manually fine-tune
                                                                               quickly. You need to be able to hear the   your hearing aids with a remote or
                                                                               sounds around you to be aware of your      an app for your smartphone.

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