Page 1 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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           DOI 10.1007/s10029-017-1668-x

           International guidelines for groin hernia management

           The HerniaSurge Group

           Received: 5 February 2017 / Accepted: 13 September 2017
           Ó The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication

           Abstract                                           Methods An expert group of international surgeons (the
           Introduction Worldwide, more than 20 million patients  HerniaSurge Group) and one anesthesiologist pain expert
           undergo groin hernia repair annually. The many different  was formed. The group consisted of members from all
           approaches, treatment indications and a significant array of  continents with specific experience in hernia-related
           techniques for groin hernia repair warrant guidelines to  research. Care was taken to include surgeons who perform
           standardize care, minimize complications, and improve  different types of repair and had preferably performed
           results. The main goal of these guidelines is to improve  research on groin hernia surgery. During the Group’s first
           patient outcomes, specifically to decrease recurrence rates  meeting, evidence-based medicine (EBM) training occur-
           and reduce chronic pain, the most frequent problems fol-  red and 166 key questions (KQ) were formulated. EBM
           lowing groin hernia repair. They have been endorsed by all  rules were followed in complete literature searches (in-
           five continental hernia societies, the International Endo  cluding a complete search by The Dutch Cochrane data-
           Hernia Society and the European Association for Endo-  base) to January 1, 2015 and to July 1, 2015 for level 1
           scopic Surgery.                                    publications. The articles were scored by teams of two or
                                                              three according to Oxford, SIGN and Grade methodolo-
                                                              gies. During five 2-day meetings, results were discussed
                                                              with the working group members leading to 136 statements
                                                              and 88 recommendations. Recommendations were graded
           The guidelines have been endorsed by the following societies:  as ‘‘strong’’ (recommendations) or ‘‘weak’’ (suggestions)
           European Hernia Society (EHS), Americas Hernia Society (AHS),  and by consensus in some cases upgraded. In the Results
           Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS), Afro Middle East Hernia Society  and summary section below, the term ‘‘should’’ refers to a
           (AMEHS), Australasian Hernia Society, International Endo Hernia
           Society (IEHS), European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and  recommendation. The AGREE II instrument was used to
           Other Interventional Techniques (EAES).            validate the guidelines. An external review was performed
           The full list of collaborator names from the Steering Committee and  by three international experts. They recommended the
           HerniaSurge Group are listed in the Acknowledgements section at the  guidelines with high scores.
           end of the article.
                                                              Results and summary The risk factors for inguinal hernia
           The comments to this article are available at  (IH) include: family history, previous contra-lateral hernia,
           s10029-017-1673-0,,  male gender, age, abnormal collagen metabolism, prosta-
                                                              tectomy, and low body mass index. Peri-operative risk
                                                              factors for recurrence include poor surgical techniques, low
           s10029-017-1679-7.                                 surgical volumes, surgical inexperience and local anes-
                                                              thesia. These should be considered when treating IH
           & The HerniaSurge Group                            patients. IH diagnosis can be confirmed by physical
                                                              examination alone in the vast majority of patients with
           1                                                  appropriate signs and symptoms. Rarely, ultrasound is
              HerniaSurge Group, OLVG Hospital, Eerste Oosterparkstraat
              9, 1091 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands           necessary. Less commonly still, a dynamic MRI or CT scan

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