Page 9 - International guidelines for groin hernia management
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Chapter 3 An apparent hernia with clear clinical features such as a
reducible groin bulge with local discomfort usually
requires no further investigation. However, when patients
Diagnostic modalities present with groin complaints and hernia is not clearly the
diagnosis, the question arises about which imaging
H. Niebuhr, M. Pawlak and M. Smietan ´ski modality to use. Ultrasonography (US) is now widely
available but rarely magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
Introduction computed tomography (CT) and herniography may play a
History and clinical examination are usually all that are role as well. Laparoscopy is not generally considered part
required to confirm the diagnosis of a clinically evident of the diagnostic process for groin complaints and bulges
groin hernia. Imaging may be required if there is vague and is not considered further in this chapter.
groin swelling and diagnostic uncertainty, poor localization
of swelling, intermittent swelling not present at time of Key questions
physical examination, and other groin complaints without KQ03.a Which diagnostic modality is the most suitable for
swelling. diagnosing groin hernias?