Page 19 - Island County community-health-needs-assessment for 2018 e-magazine
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           objective 3.1         Strategy                       Timeline  Project Leads   Partners

           By 2020, all          Develop materials identifying Island County   July 2018  Interpersonal
           persons receiving     services available for individuals and families   Abuse Work
           interpersonal         encountering interpersonal abuse.          Group
           abuse training
           under this            Distribute referral material at each    2018-  Interpersonal   Island Senior Resources, emergency medical
                                 training conducted and in the context of
                                                                                     responders, Island County Public Health,
                                                                          Abuse Work
           initiative will be    outreach efforts.                          Group    faith communities, schools, Citizens Against
           able to identify                                                          Domestic and Sexual Abuse, Senior Services
           referral services.

          strategic Alignments

        1. Washington state Health           2. national Prevention strategy       3. Healthy People 2020,
        Improvement Plan 2017                Recommendation: Strengthen            u.s. Department of Health and
        Priority 1: Invest in the health and   policies and programs to prevent    Human services
        well-being of our youngest children   violence.                            Goal: Prevent unintentional injuries
        and families.                                                              and violence, and reduce their
        Goal: Ensure that families and                                             consequences.
        communities build a strong                                                 Objective IVP- 37: Reduce child
        foundation in the early years for a                                        maltreatment deaths.
        lifetime of good health, educational                                       Objective IVP- 42: Reduce children’s
        success, and economic prosperity.                                          exposure to violence.
        Example of Desired Outcomes:
        Decrease rate of child maltreatment/
        adverse childhood experiences.

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