Page 123 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 123

A public charity is not required to disclose Schedule B to Form 990, which is
               the  portion  of  the  Form  990  that  identifies  the  names  and  addresses  of
               contributors to the organization.  In addition, the organization may redact certain
               information from the Form 990 if the public availability  of the information would
               adversely  affect  the  organization  (for  example,  information  that  relates  to  an
               organization’s trade secret, patent, process or style of work).  Similar rules apply to
               private foundations, except that the list of contributors is subject to disclosure.

                       If the request for a copy of the Form 990 is made in person, the organization
               must  provide  a  copy  on  the  day  the  request  is  made.    In  unusual  circumstances
               where this would be unreasonably burdensome, the organization may provide the
               copy on the next business day.  The organization must provide a copy in response
               to a written request within 30 days.

                       b.     Fees

                       An organization may charge a reasonable fee for providing copies (currently
               $0.20 per page) plus postage costs.  An organization may collect payment in before
               providing the requested copies.

                       c.     Exceptions

                       A  501(c)(3)  organization  can  avoid  the  requirement  to  provide  copies  by
               making the necessary documents widely available, which includes posting them on
               the  organization’s  website,  or  by  having  the  documents  posted  on  another
               organization’s  website  as  part  of  a  database  of  similar  materials.    A  limited
               exception  to  the  disclosure  rules  also  applies  to  organizations  that  have  been

               subject  to  a  harassment  campaign  where  a  waiver  of  the  rules  would  be  in  the
               public interest.

                       d.     Penalties for Failure to Disclose

                       A penalty of $5,000 applies for any failure to provide copies of the required
               Form 990 returns or the Form 1023 exemption application.

                  CHAPTER 36.  Documentation of Contributions

                       For  additional  information  regarding  substantiation  and  disclosure
               requirements, see Chapter 48 and IRS Publication 1771, Charitable Contributions, at
     ,  and  for  issues  to  consider  when
               fundraising, see Chapters 45-50.

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -112-                                       2018
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