Page 13 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 13


                  CHAPTER 1.  What is a Nonprofit?

                       Before we get started, let’s define the word nonprofit.  A nonprofit is a
               type of corporation that is created to accomplish a public benefit.  It does not have
               owners.  It has no shareholders.  It cannot be set up to generate an income or profit
               for  the  organizers.    Some  organizations  apply  for  tax-exempt  status  from  the
               Internal Revenue Service (IRS) so that donations can be tax-deductible to the donor,
               and so  that  the organization  will  qualify  for  grants  from  private  foundations  and
               governments  and  can  avoid  federal  corporate  income  tax.    There  are  different
               classifications of different types of nonprofit organizations under Washington State
               law (see Part 2 of this Handbook for more information) and different types of tax-
               exempt organizations, one  of  which is  for  charitable  organizations  exempt  under
               section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, amended (also referred to
               in this Handbook as “501(c)(3) organizations”).

                       There  are  important  differences  between  a  nonprofit  and  a  for-profit
               organization.  The main differences are:

                       Owners:  A nonprofit does not have any owners.  Assets are held in trust for
               charitable or other purposes that benefit the community.

                       Profits:    A  nonprofit  does  not  share  profits  with  owners  or  shareholders.
               Any  money  left  over  at  the  end  of  the  year  goes  back  into  furthering  the
               organization’s mission.

                       Volunteers:  Most nonprofits have volunteers.  A for-profit does not.

                       Control:    No  one  person  owns  or  controls  a  nonprofit.    A  nonprofit  is
               governed by  a board  of  directors.   The  board of  directors  may  hire  an executive
               director  to  implement  its  strategy,  who  may  in  turn  manage  employees  and/or

               volunteers.  A for-profit can be owned by one person or group of people who make
               all strategic decisions and have control of the company.

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                 -2-                                        2018
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