Page 193 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
P. 193

and not enrolled in or above the first grade.  A special B&O tax rate of
                              0.484%  exists  for  those  who  provide  day  care  services  or  care  of
                              children eight years or older or at the first-grade level or above.  See
                              RCW 82.04.4282 & 82.04.431.

                       •      Endowment  Funds.   Income  from  endowment  funds  is  deductible.
                              See RCW 82.04.4282.

                       •      Grants.  Grants received by nonprofit organizations may be deductible
                              from  the  B&O  tax  under  the  bona  fide  contribution  and  donation
                              deduction.    However,  if  the  grants  received  are  in  exchange  for
                              significant goods or services, the bona fide contribution and donation
                              deduction does not apply.  To qualify a grant for this exemption, the
                              grantee  may  have  to  establish  that  the  grantor  had  a  “gratuitous
                              intent” when making the grant.

                              A  grant  is  presumed  nontaxable  if  three  conditions  are  met:  (1) the
                              grantor  must  receive  no  significant  goods,  services  or  benefits  in
                              return  for  making  the  grant;  (2) the  grantee  is  a  nonprofit  or
                              governmental  organization;  and  (3) the  grant  must  be  used  to
                              promote,  advance,  or  fulfill  charitable  purposes,  including  related
                              administrative expenses, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the

                              A safe harbor provision exists for certain restrictions imposed by the
                              grantor  regarding  grantee  accountability.    This  provision  permits  a
                              grantor  to  place  restrictions  on  the  use  of  the  grant  for  specific
                              charitable  purposes  and  provides  that  a  grantee  may  submit
                              accountability reports to the grantor regarding the use of the funds or
                              describing the general nature of the project.

                              Sponsorship or public  acknowledgement  that  the  grantor  provides a
                              grant alone does not trigger B&O tax liability for the grantee.

                              Several statutory provisions  permit nonprofit research institutions to
                              reduce  their  potential  tax  liability.    A  special  B&O  tax  classification
                              exists  for  nonprofit  organizations  that  engage  in  research  and
                              development within  Washington.  The current tax rate is 0.484%.  In
                              addition,  if  a  grant  is  otherwise  taxable  but  services  are  performed
                              both inside and outside of Washington, a nonprofit can apportion its

               WASHINGTON NONPROFIT HANDBOOK                -182-                                       2018
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