Page 205 - Washington Nonprofit Handbook 2018 Edition
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income  may  be  subject  to  Business  and  Occupation  Tax  as  discussed  in
               Chapter 53.)

                       The  use  of  exempt  property  for  “fundraising”  activities  sponsored  by  an
               exempt  nonprofit  organization  does  not  subject  the  property  to  taxation  if  the
               fundraising activities are consistent with the purposes for which the exemption was
               granted.  “Fundraising” means any revenue-raising activity, limited to less than five
               days in length, that disburses 51% or more of the profits realized from the activity
               to the exempt nonprofit organization conducting the fundraising.

                  CHAPTER 57.  Further Information

                       More information on Washington taxes may be obtained by contacting the
               Department of Revenue, as follows:

                              State of Washington
                              Department of Revenue
                              Taxpayer Information and Education
                              Telephone 1-800-647-7706

                       The  Department  of  Revenue  also  maintains  an  internet  site  with  access  to
               laws,  rules,  forms,  and  the  Department’s  topical  publications  and  notices.    The
               address      is

                       More  information  on  local  business  and  occupation  taxes  and  licensing
               issues may be obtained by contacting the finance office of the city in question.

                       The following resources are available online at the listed sites:

                       •      Revised  Code  of  Washington.    (RCW)  The  best  and  most  readily
                              searchable  Revised  Code  of  Washington  is  available  through  the

                              website  for  the  Washington  State  Legislature.    The  RCW  on  excise
                              taxes is located at

                       •      Washington  Administrative  Code.    The  best  and  most  readily
                              searchable  Washington  Administrative  Code  is  available  through  the
                              website  for  the  Washington  State  Legislature.    It  is  located  at

                       •      Taxpedia.   Taxpedia  is  the  free  state  tax  research  service  from  the
                              Department  of  Revenue.    It  provides  access  to  laws,  rules,  advisory

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