Page 4 - Guide to fresse foods
P. 4

Because of its long shelf life and nutrition
        preservation, numerous commercial companies
        produce freeze dried food for families, as well as
        for the military, with their well-known MREs (Meals
        Ready to Eat). By just adding water, the food is quickly   One simply adds water to rehydrate the food, and it
        rehydrated and ready for consumption.
                                                                is ready to be eaten, retaining its original fresh flavor,
                                                                aroma, and appearance. Freeze-dried food rehydrates
        How Freeze Drying Works                                 quickly and easily because the freeze drying process
                                                                leaves microscopic pores in the food—pores that were
        During the freeze drying process, food is initially     caused by ice crystals that sublimated out of the food in
        frozen to -40 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the       the drying process.
        food is frozen, the appliance creates a powerful
        vacuum around the food. In this environment the
        food is gradually warmed, even though it continues      Advantages of Freeze Drying
        to stay very cold. When the temperature of the food     This method of food
        gets a little above zero Fahrenheit, the water that     preservation causes
        is in the form of ice changes to a gas without ever     little damage to the
        becoming a liquid.                                      nutritional value of the
                                                                food being preserved
        That is why the vacuum environment is so important.     compared to other
        As was just mentioned, in that environment, water       methods that use higher
        sublimates (evaporates) out of the food at just 5       temperatures, such as
        degrees Fahrenheit. Water cannot exist as liquid in     canning or dehydration.
        a vacuum and, as it warms, is drawn out of the solid    Freeze drying does
        frozen food as a gas. When done properly, freeze        not shrink or toughen
        drying virtually removes 100 percent of the water       the food, and it retains
        from the food. This water freezes to the stainless      its aroma, flavor, and
        steel cylinder of the freeze dryer and is then          nutritional content.
        defrosted at the end of the process.                    The following pictures
                                                                were taken of food
        The freeze dried food should then be properly sealed    that has already been
        to remove the oxygen and prevent reabsorption of        freeze dried. As you can
        moisture. The food can be stored at room temperature    see, the meat, cheese,
        for long periods (up to 25 years), with no need for     vegetables and fruits
        refrigeration. This is possibly because the almost non-  still look fresh. And, in
        existent water content in the food inhibits the normal   reality they are. Simply
        process of deterioration and spoilage.                  add water—it is delicious.

         harvest right, llc   |   95 North Foxboro Drive, Suite 100 north Salt Lake, Utah 84054   |   1-800-700-5508  4
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