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                                        USB Connectors Tutorial

     What is USB?
     Universal Serial Bus is a high speed connectivity   large amounts of data or video to be transferred   type C connector, which is only backwards com-
     standard  enabling  simple  plug  and  play    up to 10 times faster than USB 2.0. However, USB   patible through the use of an 3.0 adapter or cable
     connections to devices such as printers, digital   2.0 is still much more common in the market-  that also uses a type C connector. USB 3.1 cables
     cameras, camcorders, keyboards and mice. The   place and is expected to remain relevant for   utilize a type C connector on each end.
     standard is supported by many leading suppliers   applications that do not require large amounts of     Applications
     of computers and peripherals.  An attractive   data to be moved. It is important to note that in
     advantage of USB is that the devices are hot plug-  order to take advantage  of  the increased    Initially USB products were used mainly to link
     gable meaning a live connection/disconnection   bandwidth USB 3.0 provides all components must   computers and their associated peripherals.
     without data loss or interruption. Currently there   be 3.0 compliant - host, cables and peripherals.   Today USB is used in nearly every market
     are three relevant revisions of USB, 2.0, 3.0, and   Otherwise the bandwidth will perform to the    including communications, entertainment,
     3.1. USB 3.0 is an emerging standard that allows    lowest rated component. USB 3.1 utilizes the    medical and automotive.
        USB Connectors
       The USB specification requires a host system to be
       equipped with an A type jack. The B / mini B type jack
       is  typically  found on peripheral  devices  requiring
       detachable cables. Therefore, detachable USB cables
       are configured as an A to B / mini B male combination   2.0 Type A Jack   2.0 Type B Jack   3.0 Type A Jack   3.0 Type B Jack   3.1 Micro Type C Jack
       which prevents improper bus configurations and
       topology miswiring. USB 3.1 cables work differently.
       Both sides utilize the type C connector, the cable will
       work regardless of which way it is plugged in.
       For a complete listing of USB Connectors, see the
       Connector Chart on the inside back cover of this   2.0 Mini Type B Jack    2.0 Mini Type B Jack    2.0 Micro Type B Jack   3.0 Micro Type B Jack
       catalog or online at  (4 position)  (5 position)

                               Braid     Foil                                Drain wire

                                                                             (2)  Power conductors,
      USB 2.0 Cable                                                            range from 20 to 28 AWG
                                                                             (1) Twisted pair, 28 AWG data lines

                                Braid     Foil                               Drain wire
                                                                             (2)  Power conductors, range from
                                                                               20 to 28 AWG
      USB 3.0 Cable                                                          (1)  Unshielded Twisted pair, data lines, range
      Construction                                                             from 28 to 34 AWG
                                                                             (2)  Shielded Twisted Pairs, data lines, range
                                                                               from 26 to 34 AWG
                  USB 3.0 adds two shielded data pairs to the USB 2.0 cable specifications. This addition allows for the faster performance in downloading
                  data or video. Similar concept to changing a 2 lane highway to a 6 lane highway - much more traffic can pass through.

                                Braid     Foil                             Drain wire  1     1 (8)  30 AWG mini coax
                                                                               1    3  2        data lines
      USB 3.1 Cable                                                                          2 (1)  26 AWG power
      Construction                                                                    3  4  3
                                                                             1 1             3 (4)  32 AWG configuration/
                                                                                                grounding conductors
                                                                                   1     1   4 (1)  34 AWG shielded
                  USB 3.1 cable utilizes 8 mini coax lines and 1 shielded twisted pair for data transfer. One large power   1  twisted pair, data lines
                  conductor along with smaller ground and configurators complete this more sophisticated, high speed
                  cable. Please note that this is an emerging technology and this specification is subject to change. | 800-343-1455 |
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