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Armored Cable Assemblies ~ USB 115
Item # Description Color 1-9 10-24 25-99 100+
Metal Armored USB Cables - Type A to A and A to B Connectors, Revision 2.0 Compliant
These unique cables feature a stainless steel crush resistant jacket over our premium USB 2.0 cable to provide protection in applications where
standard cables would be damaged due to excessive force. Crush resistance is 1500 PSI (pounds per square inch). The 20 AWG USB power wires
allow for maximum power transfer.
CSMUAA-MT-03M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 0.3m Black 18.03 16.95 15.87 CALL
CSMUAA-MT-05M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 0.5m Black 19.33 18.17 17.01 CALL CSMUAB-MT-M
CSMUAA-MT-1M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 1.0m Black 22.59 21.23 19.88 CALL
CSMUAA-MT-2M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 2.0m Black 29.12 27.37 25.62 CALL
CSMUAA-MT-3M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 3.0m Black 35.65 33.51 31.37 CALL
CSMUAA-MT-4M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 4.0m Black 42.17 39.64 37.11 CALL
CSMUAA-MT-5M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 5.0m Black 48.70 45.78 42.86 CALL
CSMUAB-MT-03M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 0.3m Black 18.03 16.95 15.87 CALL
CSMUAB-MT-05M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 0.5m Black 19.33 18.17 17.01 CALL
CSMUAB-MT-1M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 1.0m Black 22.59 21.23 19.88 CALL
CSMUAB-MT-2M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 2.0m Black 29.12 27.37 25.62 CALL CSMUAA-MT-M
CSMUAB-MT-3M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 3.0m Black 35.65 33.51 31.37 CALL
CSMUAB-MT-4M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 4.0m Black 42.17 39.64 37.11 CALL
CSMUAB-MT-5M Metal Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 5.0m Black 48.70 45.78 42.86 CALL
Plastic Armored USB Cables - Type A to A and A to B Connectors, Revision 2.0 Compliant
These unique cables feature an external PVC crush resistant jacket over our premium USB 2.0 cable to provide protection in applications where
standard cables would be damaged due to excessive force. Crush resistance is 800 PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). The 20 AWG USB power wires
allow for maximum power transfer.
CSMUAA-PL-03M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 0.3m Black 14.14 13.58 13.01 CALL CSMUAB-PL-M
CSMUAA-PL-05M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 0.5m Black 14.77 14.18 13.58 CALL
CSMUAA-PL-1M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 1.0m Black 16.32 15.67 15.01 CALL
CSMUAA-PL-2M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 2.0m Black 19.43 18.65 17.87 CALL
CSMUAA-PL-3M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 3.0m Black 22.54 21.64 20.73 CALL
CSMUAA-PL-4M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 4.0m Black 25.65 24.62 23.59 CALL
CSMUAA-PL-5M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/A, 5.0m Black 28.75 27.60 26.45 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-03M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 0.3m Black 14.14 13.58 13.01 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-05M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 0.5m Black 14.77 14.18 13.58 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-1M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 1.0m Black 16.32 15.67 15.01 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-2M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 2.0m Black 19.43 18.65 17.87 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-3M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 3.0m Black 22.54 21.64 20.73 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-4M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 4.0m Black 25.65 24.62 23.59 CALL
CSMUAB-PL-5M Plastic Armored USB Cable, Type A/B, 5.0m Black 28.75 27.60 26.45 CALL
USB 3.0 Metal Armored Cable Assemblies U3A00001-M
These unique cables feature a stainless steel crush resistant jacket over our premium USB 3.0 cable to provide protection in applications where
standard cables would be damaged due to excessive force. Crush resistance is 1500 PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). The 24 AWG USB power wires
allow for maximum power transfer.
USB 3.0 A to A Metal Armored
U3A00001-03M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 0.3m Black 14.05 13.21 12.36 CALL
U3A00001-05M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 0.5m Black 15.05 14.15 13.24 CALL
U3A00001-1M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 1.0m Black 17.09 16.06 15.04 CALL
U3A00001-105M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 1.5m Black 20.50 19.27 18.04 CALL
USB 3.0 A to B Metal Armored
U3A00002-03M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 0.3m Black 14.50 13.63 12.76 CALL U3A00002-M
U3A00002-05M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 0.5m Black 15.50 14.57 13.64 CALL
U3A00002-1M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 1.0m Black 18.30 17.20 16.10 CALL
U3A00002-105M Metal Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 1.5m Black 20.90 19.65 18.39 CALL
USB 3.0 Plastic Armored Cable Assemblies
These unique cables feature an external PVC crush resistant jacket over our premium USB 3.0 cable to provide protection in applications where
standard cables would be damaged due to excessive force. Crush resistance is 800 PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). The 24 AWG USB power wires
allow for maximum power transfer
USB 3.0 A to A Plastic Armored
U3A00003-03M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 0.3m Black 11.30 10.85 10.40 CALL
U3A00003-05M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 0.5m Black 11.70 11.23 10.76 CALL
U3A00003-1M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 1.0m Black 12.65 12.14 11.64 CALL
U3A00003-105M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/A Male, 1.5m Black 13.70 13.15 12.60 CALL U3A00003-M
USB 3.0 A to B Plastic Armored
U3A00004-03M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 0.3m Black 11.30 10.85 10.40 CALL
U3A00004-05M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 0.5m Black 11.70 11.23 10.76 CALL
U3A00004-1M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 1.0m Black 12.70 12.19 11.68 CALL
U3A00004-105M Plastic Armored USB Cable Type A/B Male, 1.5m Black 13.70 13.15 12.60 CALL
USB armored cables Crush Resistant Crush Resistant
Metal Jacket Plastic Jacket
Up to 1500 PSI (pounds Up to 800 PSI (pounds
Metal Coupling Nut per square inch) per square inch) U3A00004-M
Heavy duty constructon ensures
that the crush resistant jacket
remains in place
Uses our Premium bulk cable including PVC cable jacket and 20 AWG power leads under the armor.