Page 2 - L-com products 2018 e-magazine catalog
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Global Leader in

        Connectivity Solutions

        A Better Alternative for
        Connectivity Solutions                                     As a Manufacturer:

        L-com's expert manufacturing is paired with a              •     Consistent, quality products that
        service initiative that combines highly personalized           meet or exceed specifications and
                                                                       match exact product feature needs
        customer service with a vast product inventory for         •       Unrivaled technical knowledge and
        off-the-shelf availability and same-day shipments              support, with expert application
        for many products.                                             assistance available
        With a robust component supply chain and                   •       Lower minimum order quantity for
        technical services and engineering functions                   custom products
        that deliver service benefits other component
        manufacturers are unable to offer, L-com is the
        only connectivity company to offer the best
        features of both a manufacturer and a value-added
        service provider.

        Expert Manufacturing

        The most unique characteristic of L-com is                 As a Value-Added Service Provider:
        that it is both a component manufacturer and a             •     Strong inventory position
        value-added service provider.
                                                                   •     Same day shipping
        L-com has been manufacturing high-reliability              •     Personalized service
        connectivity products for over thirty years and            •       Robust ecommerce website for
        has manufacturing and fulfillment facilities                   easy ordering
        worldwide. Whether you require custom NEMA
        enclosures, unique cable assemblies built to
        your specifications, overmolded assemblies, or
        even custom built RF amplifiers, L-com has the
        expertise and capabilities to meet your custom
        manufacturing requirements.

 | 800-343-1455 |
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