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                                      Telecom/Modular - Premise Wiring Tutorial

     What is Premise Wiring?            How is Premise Wiring used?         Where is Premise Wiring used?
     Premise Wiring is the cabling, connectors and   Premise Wiring is made up of vertical and   Premise wiring can be found in just about all
     accessories that are used to connect LAN (Local   horizontal cable runs from a central location   public and private buildings, including educational
     Area Network) and phone equipment inside a   throughout buildings to individual desktops.  and  government  buildings  as  well  as  in  many
     commercial building.                                                   newer homes.
      Typical LAN Premise Wiring                                      Typical Telecommunications Closet
      Wiring Notes:
                                                                                             Horizontal runs to
      1.  Category 5e/6 unshielded                                                           office drops are
       twisted pair is the norm. Use                                                         connected permanently
       4 pair solid conductor inside                                                         to the rear of Category
       the walls, 4 pair stranded for                                                        5e/6 patch panels.
       patch cords. Plenum rated
       cabling may be necessary                                                              Category 5e/6 patch
       depending upon  fire  codes                                                           panels and patch cords
       in your area.                                                                         are used to connect to
      2.  Maximum distance for a                                                             network equipment.
       horizontal run is 90m (solid
       conductor) plus an additional                                                         Network Equipment
       10m (stranded conductor) for
                                                                                             19" rack or cabinet.
      3.  Fiber is the common choice
       for backbone wiring. It is also
       recommended for horizontal
       runs over 100m.

                     Approximately 70% of network downtime is due to faulty cables

                            Quality Components are the building blocks of a reliable network

                                     This is an example of our
                                     competitor's inferior copper   Cable
                                     clad aluminum cable design.
                                                         Many low cost telecom/modular cables use copper clad aluminum or copper clad
                                                         steel. Aluminum and steel have much higher resistance than copper, resulting in
                                                         increased data loss and low transmission speeds. L-com uses only pure copper
                                                         conductors on its cables. Additionally, cable jackets can be made with less
                                                         fireproofing materials than claimed and in some cases the writing on the jacket
                                                         might state 24 AWG but is actually made from 25 or 26 AWG wire.

                                                                         Some competitor's connectors use only a gold flash
                                                                         where L-com ensures 50 microinches (1.27µm) or better
                                                                         of gold flash on our connectors.
                                                                         Gold flash on connectors quickly rubs off, especially for
                                                                         patch  cables.  This  can  result  in  a  measurably  slower
                                                                         network and even dropped connectivity.
     Gold flash on competitors RJ45 contact has deteriorated,   L-com connectors with 50 microinches (1.27µm) of gold
     degrading connectivity.            do not degrade.
     To view the entire article concerning counterfeit and low quality telecom/modular cables visit our website: | 800-343-1455 |
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