Page 5 - whidbey island community-health-needs-assessment-2018
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Indicators of Local Health

        The 2015 Community Health Assessment in Island County
        included data from the following indicator categories.

               & social             physical            health care             health              morBiDity
            environment           environment        access & Quality         Behaviors            & mortality

                 Age               Ground Water       Provider Availability  Pregnancy & Birth     Physical Health
            Race & Ethnicity                           Health Insurance       Immunization         Mental Health
                                  Drinking Water          Coverage             & Screening
            Household Status                                                                       Birth Outcomes
             Marital Status      Zoonotic Disease        Emergency              Violence           Hospitalizations
                                                          Room Use
            Income & Poverty       Food Service           Avoidable         Substance Abuse         Chronic and
             Employment &       Establishment Safety       Hospital             Nutrition        Non-Communicable
             Military Status                            Readmissions         Physical Activity
               Education                                                                           Communicable
                                Parks & Open Space                                                    Disease
                                    Air Quality                                                      Disability
                                                                                                   Leading Causes
                                                                                                      of Death

        HEALTH PRioRiTiEs                                                            The following four core
                                                                                     priorities emerged
        iDEnTiFiED                                                                   from the Community
                                                                                     Health Improvement
                                                                                     Plan processes.

        After completing the Community Health Assessment, staff members of Island     1   Access to Health Care
        County Public Health and members of the Island County Community Health
        Advisory Board applied a scoring framework to 145 health indicators. Those    2   Housing
        scoring results, along with community survey and focus group responses,       3   Interpersonal Abuse
        revealed eight broad areas of concern. A workshop in February 2016 invited
        community participants from more than 40 organizations to interpret and       4   Depression and Suicide
        evaluate the assessment data and make some determinations about
        community health needs and significance.                                      These issues are the focus
        A second workshop in April 2016 utilized an audience response system          of the community health
        exercise—a method for polling individuals for their views. Participants were   improvement plan that will
        asked to rank the magnitude and logistical feasibility of addressing the major   be implemented over the
        health challenges facing county residents. Facilitated discussion groups      next three years.
        followed, broadening the scope of the methodology.

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