Page 38 - MAYO CLINIC Head to Toe e-magazine 293700
P. 38

40         Keeping foods safe at picnics

              Use these tips to ensure safe eating at your picnics:
                Use an insulated cooler
              Put ice or a frozen gel pack on top, with foods to be kept coldest
              on the bottom
              •  Pack right from the refrigerator
              Keep food cold or frozen to the touch before putting it in your cooler
              or cold vacuum bottle, such as a thermos
              •  Wrap all foods separately in plastic
              Don’t place foods directly on ice that’s not of drinking-water quality
              Keep raw meat, poultry and fish well wrapped so that drippings
              don’t contaminate other foods
              •  Don’t put your cooler in a hot trunk
              Transport your cooler inside your car — not the trunk  Keep the
              cooler in the shade at your picnic or campsite, and keep the lid on
              •  Keep food and utensils covered until serving time

              Flies, other insects and household pets can carry salmonella bacteria
              •  Keep hot foods hot

              Use a vacuum bottle or insulated dish for serving
              •  Clean your hands

              Take along alcohol-based hand sanitizer and disposable hand towels
              to use before and after working with food
              •  Remember the 2-hour rule
              Return leftovers to your cooler as quickly as possible  Two hours
              is the maximum time food should be left unrefrigerated — one hour
              if the temperature is 90 F or higher  If your ice has melted or the gel
              pack is only cool, discard perishable leftovers

          50 Head-to-Toe Health Tips                                 37
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