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As a child I remember someone telling me that Satan was at one time one of God's angels, but I
guess something happened between them and they went their separate ways. Most people would
say Satan went from being good to being evil. Funny how quickly one thing can become the exact
Most people might also say that you must try your best to cleanse yourself of evil, but the meaning
of that advice is relative. Few people might say you must cleanse yourself of good. The first piece
of advice, because it is more common, people will always associate cleansing one's self with the
act of ridding one's self from any kind of evil, but in a place with no influence, no commonality,
cleansing one's self will mean to either become all good or become all evil, and there will be no
judgment on which path you choose because either or is one in the same and the words "most" and
"few" are simply made-up words from a book of fiction.
The Sun is rising, but not everyone rises along with it. There is one woman who has risen before
even the Sun because today is her first day working with others who are considered to be the best
in their fields.
She lives alone, but she is not lonely. She has not yet developed an appetite for darkness, though
she will after the life she chooses leaves her in turmoil. Serving the police department, she will
learn that the will to do good sometimes needs to be fed by bad or rotten roots.
"You're early, detective Jackson." She looks at her commanding officer and wonders what being
early may imply. Her commanding officer continues to speak, "You're early but there is one person
you will never beat to the station." The person he is referring to is detective Mainor. While
Lieutenant Merils means to imply that Mainor is always the first person to show up, that's simply
not true. What he actually means is that in his heart, Mainor never really stops doing the job, and
because of this he never really leaves the station. Mainor is the type of detective who even when
he's at home he is working on catching his victim's killer. "If you can put as much devotion to the
job as Mainor, you won't need talent or luck." Detective Mya Jackson thinks on those words.
Frank Mainor walks into the large room. "Are you talking about me again?" Merils tells Mainor
about the new addition to his squad, Mya Jackson. Mainor looks at Jackson and then walks up to
her to shake her hand and welcomes her aboard. Jackson catches a glimpse of a whiteboard with a
list of names. These are a list of names of people who have been murdered in the current year. She
looks at Mainor's name, all of the names are in black except two. Next to Mainor's name is Wilson
who has more than thirteen names in red. It doesn't take long for Jackson to realize that Wilson was
the one who had to solve the "abandoned apartment murders."
About thirty minutes later, Mainor and Merils are in Merils's office and Mainor is giving him his
opinion on the new officer. Mainor, as he has warned Merils before, says that adding people to the
team is unnecessary, especially if the person doesn't have any experience. Merils says that more
man-power means the quicker they will bring down the drug kingpin and the quicker they can all
get back to their regular jobs and lives.
Mainor walks out of the office and tells a deskless Jackson that they are going for a drive. The two
get outside to see the Sun is out and the darkness is gone. If you asked him, Mainor would tell you