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tell that it's in yellow. As I continue to look around, I realize there are hundreds of these switches,
               and as I pass by each one, they are all titled uniquely, the ones I can read anyway. The only
               similarities are that some are in red, some are in green, and the others are in yellow.

               "Murder." "Jealousy." "Friendly." "Sacrifice." "Indifference." Those are five words that I pass by
               on the walls. Eventually I come up to the switch titled "Anger." I think to myself that if I turn this
               switch on, someone or something, maybe even perhaps myself, will become prone to the anger
               disease. After a while of thinking I convince myself that I am already angry, and that this switch is
               suppose to be on anyway, so I flip it on, and I immediately find myself outside in a city full of life.

               People, cars, music, lights, yelling. I start to walk and after about ten yards I notice that the people
               who I am passing by are looking at me funny, but I don't know why. I walk for a few more yards
               and this continues, people looking at me strangely as if I am not one of them. As if I am not their

               Finally I look down to see if there is anything wrong with me, and I realize I have a bandage
               around my mouth. I look behind me and I notice pieces of flesh and my teeth have been falling out
               behind me. I cover my mouth, my bandage, and I walk into a store and head for the bathroom. How
               I know exactly where the bathroom is remains a mystery, but I walk into a stall and I stand there,
               trying to figure out what I will do next.

               After a few minutes I hear the bathroom door open, someone walks in. The person begins to talk,
               they begin to speak about how the project needs some kind of loop function. Then I hear another
               voice, a different voice, a voice that says the only way to integrate a loop function is by stressing a
               single point.

               They start discussing how this single point would be the basic function and main center of the loop
               function. How the project itself will perceive it as either birth or death, when it's really one in the
               same. How one will perceive the action as "going away from" and another will perceive it as
               "coming towards to." They say that with this point, the beginning and the end is merely an illusion.

               I open the stall door because I want to see who these people are, and when I finally do all I see is a
               figure that seems to have a white light casted on it, and the other figure is completely shadowed in
               darkness. They both look up at me, and I realize that the outline of their bodies resemble that of
               children. The dark figure hands me a composition notebook that is mostly black, and then hands
               me a black pen. Shortly after, the white figure hands me a composition notebook that is mostly
               white, and then hands me a white pen.

               Opening both of the notebooks I assume they will be empty, but they have both already been filled
               with words and pictures. When I look back up I see that the two figures are gone, and I notice that
               something had been written on the mirror in blue marker. "Welcome to the sin city." Las Vegas.

               I wake up and I sit on the edge of my bed. The first thing I think about are the switches on the wall,
               and the titles they were given. Then I remember seeing the words denial, anger, bargaining,
               depression and acceptance, all words we have seen from the five stages of grief. Yellow, red,
               yellow, red, green.
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