P. 6


                                    Promoting environmental and humanitarian change for the
                                    better, the Bilby and Sambourne Sports Bottles (page 149),
                                    the Refresh Recycled Ball Pen (page 22), and the A5 Nevus
                                    Notebook (page 53) are branded as the “promos that give
                                    back.” These items contribute a percentage of every sale
                                    directly to HUGS (reg. 1098176) to support
                                    impactful projects.

                                    The Bilby and Sambourne Bottles help
                                    provide safe water sources for thousands  of
                                    impoverished children and families in Uganda,
                                    reducing  the  risk  of  waterborne  illnesses.
                                    For every bottle sold, 20p is donated to fund
                                    sanitation, latrines, and water catchment
                                    facilities, ensuring children no longer have to
                                    walk long distances for clean water.
                                    The  Refresh Recycled Ball Pen helps  supply
                                    essential stationery to schools in Uganda, with 5p
                                    from every pen sold donated to ensure children
                                    have the tools they need for a better education and
                                    a brighter future.
                                    The A5 Nevus Notebook also makes a difference,

                                    with  10p  from  each  sale  supporting  HUGS
                                    projects that focus on education and community
              Scan For More Info    development initiatives for those
           Registered Charity 1098176  in need.


        For every Seashell Pen sold, 5p goes to the   Made  in  Britain  refers  to  products  that  are
        Seashell Trust, a charity supporting children   manufactured within Britain, ensuring high
        and young adults with complex needs          standards of quality, craftsmanship, and
        through education, care, and therapy. Made   ethical production. Supporting "Made in
        from  recycled  ABS  plastic  and  repurposed   Britain" items helps sustain local industries,
        shell waste, this pen reuses materials whilst   reduces  transportation  impact,  and
        supporting a meaningful cause.               contributes to the economy.
                                                     It’s a mark of trust, reliability, and pride in
                                                     British manufacturing. Look out for the Made
                                                     in Britain logo throughout the catalogue to

                                                     find these products!

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