Page 2 - Testmonial Brochure
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“In response to the

         changing needs of our

         clients, we’ve grown to

         provide much more than

         just Vehicle Rentals”




         BUSINESSES OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE ALWAYS ON THE GO!                                                                               VAN & CAR RENTAL           REPAIRS        LEASING & CONTRACT HIRE               USED VAN SALES

         Whether your business has 1 vehicle or               Our concept is simple, at some point every
         100, GO Vehicle Services can help ensure             business needs to RENT, REPAIR or REPLACE                                “We have rapidly grown into becoming Gloucestershire’s
         your business saves time and money                   vehicles, but this often means using lots of                             leading vehicle services business. Our aim is simple; to help the

         on every aspect of your fleet, and we’ll             different suppliers, lots of management time                             businesses of Gloucestershire to keep moving.
         always keep you on the GO.                           and this can often lead to downtime for the

         You may already know us as your local vehicle        business and increased costs.                                            We are proud of the great relationships we have with some of the
         rental business, with convenient locations in                                                                                 most well-known businesses in Gloucestershire, who constantly
         Cheltenham and Gloucester...                         That’s why we provide a one stop shop that                               tell us that they value how easy we are to work with, our can-do
                                                              guarantees to keep your business moving and
         However, did you know that GO provides the           save you time and money.                                                 approach and our speed of making things happen when
         most comprehensive range of vehicle related                                                                                   they need it”
         services in Gloucestershire, all designed to save
         your business time and money.                        RENT  REPAIR  REPLACE  -  SIMPLE!                                        RICHARD CAINE, MANAGING DIRECTOR - GO
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