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Fun and Games - Bingo!

     Berenstain Bears Bingo Games
     #7811 A great way to teach emotional intelligence skills that kids love.
     Suitable for ages 5-10, each game contains 16 bingo cards and teaches

     five different skills. The teacher or counselor picks a card at random and  y Berenstain Bears© Keep Your Cool Bingo Game

     calls it out. If a child can match it to his/her bingo card, he must answer  y Berenstain Bears© Talk About Feelings Bingo Game
     the question before putting down a chip. 2-16 players. Can order each  y Berenstain Bears© Good Behavior Bingo Game

     separately. $42.95 each. SPECIAL: all 4 games for $159.00.    y Berenstain Bears© Learn to Make Friends Bingo Game
    Substance Abuse and Recovery
    #8448 Four bingo games address key addiction and recovery issues af-
    fecting millions of teens and adults. Each game includes laminated bin-
    go cards, calling cards, and reproducible handouts. Can purchase sep-
    arately for $42.95 each. SPECIAL: $167.95 for all 4 bingo games.
        y Alcohol Prevention Bingo     y Smoking Prevention Bingo
        y Drug Prevention Bingo     y Recovery Bingo (teen or adult)

      Anger Bingo (Teen or Adult Versions)   Coping and Resiliency Bingo
      #6231 Addresses five anger management   (Teen or Adult Versions)
      areas: triggers, symptoms, causes, control,   #8447 Two bingo games help players increase their cop-
      and prevention. Comes in teen and adult   ing skills, self-awareness, internal motivation, honesty,
      versions (must specify or we automatically   and trust. Includes 16 bingo cards, 5 sets of calling cards,
      ship the Teen version). Includes 16 laminat-  bingo  chips,  and  handouts.  $42.95 each.  SPECIAL:
      ed Bingo cards, 75 calling cards, and repro-  $83.95 for both bingo games.
      ducible handouts. $42.95                  y Coping Skills Bingo (teen)    y Resiliency Bingo (teen or adult)
     Stress Bingo
     (Teen or Adult Versions)                Healthy Habits Bingo
     #5580 Stress is a very common problem   #6229 Provides ready-made prompts that
     among teens and adults in today’s world.   generate lively discussion to get teens
     This game helps players learn about stress   thinking about their attitudes and behav-
     and ways to reduce it. Handouts reinforce the concepts   iors. Helps teens learn how to make healthy choices for
     and skills taught in the game.  The game consists of 16   themselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Includes
     bingo cards, 5 sets of calling cards, bingo chips, and re-  16 bingo cards, 5 sets of calling cards, bingo chips, and
     producible handouts. $42.95             reproducible handouts. $42.95
     Military Benefits

    The Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide
    Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D., and Trudy S. Woodring
    #7645 As a member of the military, you and your family are entitled to many benefits that you’ve
    earned. However, many individuals are unclear about their immediate- and long-term benefits and how to best access
    them. This handy guide succinctly summarizes the major benefits available to servicemembers, veterans, and their fam-
    ilies. It covers military pay, health care (TRICARE and VA), child care, education, insurance, legal assistance, travel, family
    support, spousal employment assistance, discounts, relocation, retirement, and much, much more. Includes key websites
    and contact information. Fits conveniently into pockets and handbags for quick reference and review. 64 pages. 2011. ISBN
    978-1-57023-317-3. $2.95. SPECIALS: 25 copies for $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00.

               #9988  VETERANS  BENEFITS  GUIDE  FOR   #9210 MONEY MASTER THE GAME: 7 Simple
               DUMMIES. Angie Papple Johnston. A clear and   Steps to Financial Freedom. Tony Robbin. Based
                                                      on extensive research and one-on-one interviews
               concise guide to the military benefits available   with more than 50 of the most legendary financial
               from the VA and other government organiza-  experts in the world — from Carl Icahn and War-
               tions. Outlines access to physical and mental   ren Buffett, to Ray Dalio and Steve Forbes — Tony
               healthcare, financial services, long-term plan-  Robbins has created a simple 7-step blueprint that
               ning, education, and much more. Explains how   anyone can use for financial freedom. Robbins has a brilliant way
     to make sense of and take advantage of the extensive benefits   of using metaphor and story to illustrate even the most complex
     program offered to veterans. Shows what you’re eligible for, how   financial concepts — thus making them simple and readily un-
     to file applications and claims, and how to appeal decisions. Cov-  derstandable. He walks readers of every income level through the
     ers the most recent benefits available, including vocational re-  steps to become financially free by creating a lifetime income plan.
     habilitation, life insurance, home loans, pensions, burial benefits,   This book delivers invaluable information and essential practices for
     and survivors’ benefits. © 2022. 400 pages. $24.99. SPECIALS:   getting your financial house in order. 688 pages. © 2014. $22.00.
     10 copies for $229.95; 100 copies for $2,099.95.  SPECIALS: 10 copies for $199.95; 100 copies for $1,799.00.

    16                               orders   800.361.1055    |    online ordering
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