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The Best Keywords for Resumes, Letters, and Interviews:
                           Powerful Words and Phrases for Landing Great Jobs! (2nd Edition)
                            Wendy S. Enelow and Louise Kursmark, Master Resume Writers
                            #2706 Extremely popular with the military! Reveals how candidates can best speak
                            the language of employers for getting hired. Organized by major industries and
                            professions, this easy-to-use book provides quick access to the powerful language
                            of keywords. Each chapter includes samples of keywords, keyword phrases, key-
                            word answers to interview questions, keyword cover letters, and keyword resumes.
                            An Appendix includes 425 Action Verbs and 221 Personal Descriptors.192 pages.
                            Copyright © 2016. ISBN 978-1-57023-388-3 (paperback). ISBN 978-1-57023-389-0
                            (eBook). $19.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $179.60; 25 copies for $424.00;
                            50 copies for $798.00; 100 copies for $1,397.00; 500 copies for $5,985.00;
                             1,000 copies for $9,980.00. Available on GSA Schedule.
     The Quick 30/30 Job Solution:                Military-Friendly!
     Smart Job Search Tips for Surviving Today’s New Economy
     Neil P. McNulty and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
     #6993 Used by thousands of veterans, who have been counseled and placed by retired Marine
     Corps infantry officer Neil McNulty, this innovative book introduces the concept of the “30/30 Job
     Search” – a powerful 30-day program for finding employment within 30 miles of any community.
     Includes tips and sample dialogues for targeting employers, using voicemail, sending emails,
     developing telephone scripts, scheduling interviews, contacting references, asking/answering questions, closing inter-
     views, negotiating offers, resigning, and much more. ISBN 978-1-57023-286-2. 176 pages. 2010. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10
     copies for $129.95; 100 copies for $995.00; 1,000 copies for $7,475.00. Available on GSA Schedule.

              #9005  ORDERS TO  NOWHERE:  The After
              Action Report from a Career Marine’s Transi-  GRIT: The Power of Passion
              tion Back to the Civilian World. Lt. Col. Michael D.   and Perseverance
              Grice USMC (Ret.) Reveals one Marine’s experiences   Angela Duckworth
              in transitioning to the civilian world. Explains what   #6575 Reveals the secret to great achieve-
              is often an overwhelming process for service mem-  ments –  a special  blend of  passion and
              bers and their families. Reveals over 160 lessons   persistence called “grit.” Includes examples
     learned as well as costly mistakes to avoid. 272 pages. 2013. $21.95.   of cadets at West Point, teachers in tough
     SPECIALS: 10 copies for $199.95; 100 copies for $1,629.00.  schools, and more. Shows that “grit” – not
             #4838 MODERNIZE YOUR RESUME AND JOB   genius, talent, or luck – makes all the difference. 352 pages.
             SEARCH LETTERS.  Wendy  Enelow  and  Louise   2016. $17.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $163.95; 100
             Kursmark. Two new books designed for today’s
             job market. Modernize Your Resume (#7508 – ©   copies for $1,495.00.
             2019, 224 pages) emphasizes writing tight, lean,
               clean, and laser-focused content. Showcases   #6370 THE HARD TRUTH ABOUT SOFT SKILLS.
               80+ resume samples.  Modernize Your Job   Peggy Klaus. Many people who are technically com-
               Search Letters (#5242 – © 2017, 192 pages).   petent fall short on soft skills relating to social, com-
               Includes 100 + cover letters and e-notes for   munication,  and  self-management  behaviors.  This
               job postings, networking, cold calls, recruiters,   book shows how to get ahead by managing work-
               and referrals as well as thank-you letters and   loads, personal brand, office politics, and more. 190
     job proposals. Can purchase separately for $18.95 each. SPE-  pages. 2008.  $16.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $154.95; 100
     CIALS: Both books for $36.95; 10 copies of a single title for   copies for $1,399.95.
     $169.95; 100 copies of a single title for $1,539.95; 10 cop-
     ies of both for $349.95; 100 copies of both for $3,195.00.  #2704  DRESSING  SMART FOR  MEN. JoAnna
                                                     Nicholson. Identifies 101 dressing mistakes men make
             #6387 YOU ARE A BADASS. Jen Sincero. Filled with   that can negatively affect their careers. Offers tips on
             inspiring stories, sage advice, and revealing exercises   how to improve appearance and get ahead. Includes
             to identify and change the self-sabotaging behaviors   color photos. 192 pages. 2004. $16.95. SPECIALS: 10
             that stop you from getting what you want. Blast past   copies for $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.95.
             your fears, take big risks, learn to love yourself and   #2705  DRESSING SMART FOR  WOMEN.  JoAnna Nicholson.
             others, and set big goals for creating a life you totally
     love. 254 pages. 2013. $17.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $159.95;   Identifies 101 dressing mistakes women make that can negatively
                                             affect their careers. Offers tips on how to improve appearance and
     100 copies for $1,395.95.               get ahead. Includes color photoes. 222 pages. 2004. $16.95. SPE-
             #6786 MINDSET: The New Psychology of Success.   CIALS: 10 copies for $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.95.
             Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. Research shows it’s not just abili-  #8932  2-HOUR JOB SEARCH. Steve Dalton. This tech-savvy job-
             ties that bring us success – but whether we approach   search manual explains how to wade through the Internet’s sea
             success with a fixed or growth mindset. Explains why   of information and create a job-search that relies on mainstream
             praising intelligence and ability doesn’t foster self-es-  technology, such as Excel, Google, LinkedIn, and alumni databases,
             teem and accomplishment but may actually jeopar-  to create a list of target employers, contact them, and then secure
     dize success. 288 pages. 2007. $17.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for   an interview – all within two hours. 256 pages. 2020. $14.99. SPE-
     $154.95; 100 copies for $1,379.00.      CIALS: 10 copies for $136.95; 100 copies for $1,239.95.
                 Emotional Intelligence 2.0                           BESTSELLER!
                 Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves
                 #9296 By now, emotional intelligence (EQ) needs little introduction – it’s no secret that EQ is
                 critical to your success. Indeed, it’s more important than IQ. But knowing what EQ is and knowing
                 how to use it to improve your life are two very different things. This book delivers a step-by-step
                 program for increasing your EQ via four core EQ skills that enable you to achieve your fullest po-
                 tential: Self-Awareness; Self-Management; Social Awareness; and Relationship Management. 280
                 pages. 2009. $34.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $329.95; 100 copies for $2,999.95.
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