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Anger, Rage & Violence

     Anger and Conflict Management Kit
     #2996  Make sure your library includes these major resources for dealing with anger, conflict, and violence. Can pur-
     chase separately. SPECIAL: $747.95 for the complete kit of 15 books and 4 DVD programs.
     BOOKS                                      y Transforming Anger ($16.95)
        y Anger and Conflict in the Workplace ($15.95)    y The Verbally Abusive Relationship ($15.95)
        y Anger Busting 101 ($14.95)            y  Why Is It Always About You? The Seven Deadly
        y Anger Management Sourcebook ($21.95)  Sins of Narcissism ($15.99)
        y Anger Workbook ($14.95)               y You Can’t Say That to Me! ($22.00)
        y Angry All the Time ($17.95)       DVDs
        y Angry Men ($17.95)                    y Best 10¼ Tips for Controlling Anger ($98.00)
        y Angry Women ($14.95)                  y  Beyond Anger: Connecting With Self
        y Beyond Anger: A Guide for Men ($15.99)  and Others ($99.00)
        y Controlling People ($15.95)           y  Changing Men: Unlearning the Behaviors
        y Managing Teen Anger and Violence ($19.95)  of Domestic Violence ($169.95)
        y  Pathways to Peace Anger Management      y Manhood and Violence: Fatal Peril ($149.95)
       Workbook ($31.95)
     #8884 CONTINUING TO CAGE YOUR RAGE. Murray C. Cullen,   recognize, understand, and respond to other people’s anger in pos-
     Ph.D., and Michael Bradley, Ph.D. A great self-directed resource for   itive, effective, and constructive ways. Includes tools, techniques,
     inmates  transitioning to the outside world or those already on pa-  and know-how to defuse anger, work through it to greater intimacy,
     role. Equips them with the necessary tools to recognize their emo-  or sense when it’s best left alone! 272 pages. 2001. $14.95. SPE-
     tions and feelings of anger in difficult situations. Shows how to be   CIALS: 10 copies for $135.95; 100 copies for $1,239.00.
     aware of one’s thoughts, behaviors, situations, and people around   #3216  ANGRY  ALL THE TIME:  An Emergency
     them to continue to keep the rage caged. Can be used alone or as
     an excellent follow-up to the original Cage Your Rage Workbook (fea-  Guide  in Anger Control (2nd Edition).  Ronald T.
     tured on page 2). 90 pages. 2001. $20.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies   Potter-Efron, MSW, Ph.D.. Very angry people are trapped
     for $180.00; 100 copies for $1,629.00.         – they say things they don’t mean, hurt people they
                                                    love, and even hate themselves. This vicious cycle of
           #6045 ACT ON LIFE, NOT ON ANGER: The New   problem anger is hard to break. Explores the causes of
           Acceptance and Commitment  Therapy Guide   anger and then focuses on taking action – step-by-step strategies
           to Problem Anger. Georg H. Eifert, Matthew McKay,   to control behavior, to change anger-provoking thoughts, to avoid
           and John P. Forsyth, Ph.D.s Offers a new approach to   verbal and physical violence. Includes an eight-step process of
           controlling anger – acceptance and commitment ther-  anger management that changes lives. 168 pages. 2005. $17.95.
           apy (ACT). Shows how to accept angry feelings as they   SPECIALS: 10 copies for $163.95; 100 copies for $1,459.95.
     occur. Includes mindfulness techniques for watching  anger with-
     out identifying with it. Teaches readers how to change their rela-  #6197  RAGE:  A Social Analysis.  This
     tionship to anger by accepting rather than resisting angry feelings   bestselling three-part program explores
     and learning to make values-based responses to provocation. 192   the causes and dangers of short fuses. Ex-
     pages. 2006. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $159.00; 100   amines road rage, workplace aggression,
     copies for $1,459.00.                   and  violence  among  sports  spectators,
                                             with observations from police officers,
           #4449  RESPONDING TO  ANGER:  A Workbook.   anger management counselors, athletes,
           Lorrainne Bilodeau. What should you do when anger   and recovering “ragers.” Highlights nonvio-
           erupts and is directed toward you? A stressed spouse,   lent ways to assert needs and grievances.
           an irritable child, an irate customer, a potentially dan-  48 minutes. 2004. $169.95. SPECIALS:
           gerous driver – they’re mad. How you react might make   $169.95 for DVD or 3-year Stream-
           all the difference in a day, a relationship, a life. Helps   ing Video subscription. $305.95 for both.

      Angry Men: Managing Anger in an Unforgiving World (2nd Edition)
      #2684 Written as both a self-directed and instructional book, this book shows men how
      anger affects them and how they can take charge and gain control of their anger. Men
      will see themselves in true stories from law enforcement officers, military men, and others
      who lost it because their anger took over. Includes easy-to-use practical anger manage-
      ment skills. 144 pages. 2018. ISBN 978-157023-397-5. $17.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
      $161.60; 100 copies for $1,077.00. (see page 8)
      Angry Women: Stop Letting Anger Control Your Life!
      #2685 Women let anger hurt their self-image, narrow their choices, limit their careers, and de-
      stroy their families. They let anger lead them into depression, eating disorders, and destructive
      relationships. This book shows women how to take better control of their lives. Designed to
      be both self-directed and instructional, it includes easy to use practical, down-to-earth skills to
      reclaim control of their lives. 142 pages. 2004. ISBN 978-157023-206-0. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10
      copies for $119.95; 100 copies for $747.50.

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