Page 4 - English Module Sample
P. 4

Then we are classmates.                  Sorry, I have to go now.
                                                                Nice to meet you, Heru.
                3                                         4

                                                    Nice to meet you, too.
                                      Yes, we are.

              Practice      3       Listen carefully.
                                    1.  Heru is a new neighbour.
                                        Ary       :  Hello. I’m Ary.
                                        Heru      :  Hello. I’m Heru.
                                        Ary       :  You are the new neighbour, right?
                                        Heru      :  Yes, I am. I just moved from Padang.
                                        Ary       :  Well, nice to meet you, Heru.
                                        Heru      :  Nice to meet you, too.
                                    2.  Ranti meets her teacher, Mr Bakri at the post ofÀ ce.
                                        Ranti     :  Good afternoon, Sir.
                                        Mr Bakri  :  Good afternoon. You are ....
                                        Ranti     :  Ranti, Sir. My name is Ranti. How are

                                        Mr Bakri  :  I  am  Àne,  thank  you.  And  how  about

                                        Ranti     :  I am Àne, too.
                                        Mr Bakri  :  Well, Ranti. I have to go now. Pleased to
                                                    meet you.
                                        Ranti     :  Pleased to meet you, too, Sir.
                                    3.  Citra is Ari’s friend. One night she wants to see Ari at his
                                        home, but he is not home. Ari’s brother, Sigit, is at home.
                                        Citra     :  Good evening, Sigit.
                                        Sigit     :  Good evening, Citra.
                                        Citra     :  Is Ari at home?
                                        Sigit     :  I’m sorry, Citra. Ari is not at home.
                                        Citra     :  Oh, well. That’s OK. Good night, then.
                                        Sigit     :  Good night.

                                                                       What Is Your Name?  3

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