Page 22 - HouseByThePool
P. 22
A Slice of Paradise
Outside, the dining room step out into your
quarter-of-an-acre of garden.
Enjoy evenings spent in good company on
the terrace by the fountain. Take a turn past
the raised bed outside the kitchen, filled with
hundreds of bulbs harbouring snowdrops,
tulips, daffodils, crocuses and more.
Step up to the octagonal lawn, surrounded by
“The garden is just jam-packed with camellias, walled flowerbeds filled with colourful shrubs
magnolias, azaleas, rhododendrons and spring bulbs.“ and plants.
A path leads to end of garden, lined by beds
teeming with blossoms and blooms season by
season. Discover the beautiful summer house,
painted pale green and decorated in clematis vines.
After a day’s gardening, a glass of wine in the
summer house is just the ticket. Or, if it’s a bright
sunny day but a trifle too cold to sit outside,
simply open the doors and sit in comfort.
For mindfulness and reflection, follow the mown
path through the wild area, brimming with
wildflowers, bulbs and shrubs up to the top
right-hand corner, where you can sit beneath
the arbour looking back over this picturesque
garden and, of course, your House By The Pool.