Page 5 - 定稿20180108封面封底201022-分兩頁-封面
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4            New Products

       8'' (20cm) Honeycomb Soccer, Set of   8"(20cm)EVA Composite Inflatable     9.5"(24'')Easy Grip Vinyl Football, Set of
       6 colors                             Volleyball, Set of 6 colors           6 colors

                                                          Foam Balls In Dark

                                                                             7''(17.7cm)Skin Coated Fruit Foam Ball,
      6''(15cm)Glow-In-The-Dark Foam Ball,                                   Set of 6 colors
      Set of 4 colors

                                                                                  1.   5''(12.7cm) Neon Color Coated
                                                                                  Fitness Foam Dice, Set of 6 colors
       5''(12.7cm) Neon Color Coated Foam   5''(12.7cm) Neon Color Coated Number   2.  5''(12.7cm)Neon Color Coated Fruit
       Dice, Set of 6 colors                Foam Dice, Set of 6 colors
                                                                                  Foam         Dice, Set of 6 colors

        5''(13cm) Two-color PVC Round       3''(7.7cm)Emotion PVC Ball, Set
        Markers                             of 26
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