P. 2

Swarn Sekhon

                                                                                 Phone: 604 612 7911

     Sutton Group-West Coast
         Realty ( Surrey/120)                                        

               WELL KNOWN                                Lower                           Station and
                  NATIONAL                                                               Store, HWY

                    BRAND                             Mainland.                            frontage
                                                      Busy  Gas

                  paid every                        margins with                        Over 2M per
                                                     fuel, diesel
                  month and                         and propane                         year in sale.
                                                                                        Great profit

                from the fuel                     The pumps are                         A long term
                 and tobacco                       updated. This                      fuel contract is

                  companies                         location has                           in place

                                                    This  is  great
               Sales are very                                                           Contract Can

                  consistent                       business for  a                      be extended

                                                       Only the

               The location is                         Business

                     leased                         Operation is
                                                        for sale

    E&O.E.: The information contained herein is provided from reliable sources. Hereby deemed to be accurate but not warranted or guaranteed by Swarn
    Sekhon. The information contained herein is general in nature. The viewer is hereby advised to verify all information
   as required and to all allow sufficient time for due diligence within any written offer. The information herein may change at any time without notice.
   Prospective purchases or tenants are hereby advised to seek independent legal and independent accounting advise relating to a ny information contained
   herein. This document does constitute to be a financial statement, lease document, franchise agreement or other. This document is for reference purposes
   only. This brochure is not intended to induce or breach any existing agency relationship
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