Page 14 - ADAP Book 2022 2023
P. 14

Horse, Smack, and Thunder, it enters the brain very   experience  dry  mouth,  increased  sweating,  dilated
            quickly which tends to influence abuse, addiction, and   pupils,   headaches,   disorientation,   severe
            physical  dependency.  This  opiate  drug  slows      depression,  paranoia,  fatigue,  and,  in  some  cases,
            the thought process, reaction time,  and memory       hallucinations.  Methamphetamine  impairs  decision
            and  affects  the way the user acts and makes         making, judgement and coordination. Repeated use
            decisions. Heroin  abuse   is  associated  with       can negatively impact the brain function and cause
            serious  health  conditions. Chronic users may        psychosis, mental disorders, and cardiovascular and
            develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart       renal  dysfunction.  The  CDC  reported  a  substantial
            lining and valves, abscesses, and liver or kidney     increase  in  methamphetamine  related  deaths  in
            disease. Pulmonary complications, including various   2020.
            types  of  pneumonia,  may  result  from  the  poor
            health  of  a  heroin  user  as  well  as  from  the  PRESCRIPTION AND OVER-THE-
            drug’s  depressing  effects  on   respiration.  In    COUNTER (OTC) DRUGS
            addition to the effects of the drug itself, street heroin
            often contains toxic contaminants or additives that   Prescription and OTC medications are widely
            can clog blood vessels leading to the lungs, liver,   available, free or inexpensive, and falsely believed to
            kidneys, or brain, causing permanent damage to        be safer than illicit drugs. The  rates of non-medical
            vital  organs.  The   CDC    reports                  use of prescription and over the counter (OTC) drugs
            increase  in   deaths mostly involve the use          among   high   school  students  remain  high.
            of opioids like heroin and fentanyl.                  Prescription medications most commonly abused by
                                                                  youth include pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants,
            INHALANTS                                             and depressants. These drugs include but are not
                                                                  limited to Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin, Codeine,
            Inhalants are  regular  products and  substances  with   Adderall, Ritalin, Valium, and Xanax. Prescription or
            invisible fumes or chemical vapors, like glue or paint,   OTC medication misuse  can cause serious health
            that  are  misused to get an immediate high.  Misuse   effects, addiction, and death. Misuse of a drug can be
            involves sniffing or “huffing” the fumes and vapors of   defined as taking more than the amount prescribed or
            the product which can cause irreversible physical and   directed, taking it more often than prescribed or
            mental damage.  This damage can occur with the        directed, taking it for non-medical  reasons, and/or
            initial use and before the user knows what   is       taking a drug prescribed or intended for someone
            happening since it affects the brain with much greater   else.
            speed and force than many other substances.
            Inhalants starve the body of oxygen and force the     DESIGNER AND SYNTHETIC DRUGS
            heart to beat irregularly and more rapidly; a loss of
            consciousness or even asphyxiation can result. An     The  State  of  Georgia  has  strict  laws  (O.C.G.A.
            inhalant user can experience disorientation, impaired   §16-13-25)  targeting  the  sale  and  possession  of
            coordination, nausea, and nosebleeds; develop liver,   designer and synthetic drugs, which have the same
            lung, and kidney problems; and lose their sense of    physiological effects on the body as other controlled
            hearing or smell. Chronic  users can experience       substances. These drugs include but are not limited
            muscle wasting, reduced muscle tone and strength,     to synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, and
            and damage to the nervous system.  Inhalants are      synthetic opioids. Snorting, smoking, injecting, and/
            mostly used by teens. NIDA reported an increase in    or orally ingesting these synthetic drugs can lead to
            inhalant use in 2020 among high schoolers with the    a stroke, heart attack, and even death.
            highest number of users being in 8  grade.            Synthetic cannabinoids, also known as synthetic/new
            METHAMPHETAMINE                                       marijuana,  K2/Spice  and  commonly  marketed  as
                                                                  incense,  are  dangerous  chemical  compounds
            Methamphetamine is commonly called Meth or            produced  for  a  psychoactive  effect.  Synthetic
            Crystal Meth. It is a synthetic stimulant made from   marijuana use can cause an elevated heart rate and
            other drugs and chemicals and can be in the form of   blood   pressure,   unconsciousness,   seizures,
            a powder, pill, or crystals. This highly addictive drug   vomiting,  intense  hallucinations,  and  paranoid
            affects the central nervous system and dangerously    delusions.  It  is  considered  more  potent  than
            increases the body’s regulatory functions (i.e., heart   marijuana  and  likely  to  cause  more  severe  side
            rate, breathing, and blood pressure).  This, in turn,  effects. K2 use has increased in the high schools at
            increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Users   an alarming rate.

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