Page 19 - Final GA Parent Teen Driving Guide Updated August 2021
P. 19
Place “S” for satisfactory as the following tasks are completed:
Approaches the vehicle with awareness
Enters the vehicle and makes appropriate checks and adjustments
Uses proper signals
Checks mirrors before slowing or stopping
Avoids hesitation
Controls speed
Maintains and adjusts speed to flow of traffic
Uses commentary driving
Searching the Intended Path of Travel
Identifies a stationary object or area in the center of the intended path of travel
Identifies and adjusts speed at entrance, apex, and exit of curve
Judges Space in Seconds
Searches the space the vehicle will occupy at least 12-20 seconds ahead
Continually evaluates the immediate 4-8 second travel path
Adjusts speed and/or lane position as needed when search areas cannot be maintained
Maintains a 3-4 second following interval at all times (space cushion)
Identifies Open, Closed or Changing Spaces
Identifies the intended travel path as open, closed or changing, and adjusts speed and position as needed
Scans Intersections
Searches for open zones/space to the left, front, and right when approaching and entering an intersection
Identifies closed or changing zones/spaces and makes necessary speed and/or lane adjustments
Stops in proper position; stops completely; tires are motionless
Yields; understands right-of-way rules
Comments prior to changing vehicle speed or position
Positions the vehicle to increase line of sight
Slows to the speed posted on the warning sign before entering curve
Slowly lightens pressure on the brake until reaching the middle of the curve
Applies light acceleration to pull the vehicle out of the curve
Properly secures vehicle