Page 41 - FINAL GA Drivers Manual Updated July 2021
P. 41
Move a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning • Chassis (frame) design; Use of Lanes on Expressways
to fresh air, contact emergency medical services, • Type of brakes, condition, and balance of Drivers operating vehicles on divided high-
and give artificial respiration if it is necessary brakes; ways must drive to the right of the median un-
and you are trained to do so. less directed to do otherwise by a sign, traffic
• Wind direction and velocity. control device, or police officer. Drivers must
Steering Locks Speed is a leading fac tor in serious injury and obey the yellow or white striping on the roadway
death as a result of traffic crashes. The greater that indicates lanes, the convergence of lanes,
Steering locks are anti-theft devices found in the speed, the greater the force of impact. The or areas in which vehicles should not operate.
most cars manufactured since 1969. illus tration below conveys the relative force of Drivers may only access or exit controlled-access
Steering locks can cause dangerous situations impact when you strike a fixed object. roadways at designated entrances and exits.
for drivers who are not familiar with their opera- Gores
tion. If a vehicle’s ignition is placed in the lock
position while the vehicle is in motion, the steer- The term “gore” means the area of conver-
ing capability of the vehicle will be disabled, and gence between two lanes of traffic. The gore is
the driver will be unable to steer the vehicle. the area, usually similar to a triangle, formed
Further information concerning steering by solid white lines between an existing lane of
locks is available from the Automobile Safety travel and a merging lane of travel. Gores are
Foundation at most often seen at the convergence of an ac-
celeration lane and the adjacent travel lane on
a controlled access highway. The gore is the area
Following Too Closely bounded by solid white lines between the ac-
celeration lane and the adjacent travel lane.
A rear-end crash is caused by following an- Drivers entering the controlled access highway
other vehicle too closely. When fol lowing an- are prohibited by law from crossing this solid
other vehicle on any street or highway, there white line, and are required to continue travel-
must be enough distance for you to safely stop ing in the acceleration lane until the solid white
if the vehicle in front of you suddenly slows line disappears.
down or stops. One way to determine if there is
enough distance between your vehicle and the
vehicle in front of you is to measure the amount Expressway Driving
of time between when the vehicle in front of
you passes a reference point and when your An expressway differs from normal roads
vehicle passes the same reference point. Watch or highways in that access to it is controlled.
the car ahead of you. When it passes a reference Vehicles can only enter and exit the expressway HOV Lanes
point, such as a telephone pole or street sign, at specific places known as interchanges. Most High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are
count “one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two.” expressways in Georgia are free, but there are travel lanes that are restricted to vehicles with
If you pass the same spot before you are through a few that require a toll. more than one occupant, buses, motorcycles, and
counting, you are following too closely. During With the exception of the controlled enter/ vehicles with Alternative Fuel Vehicle license
inclement weather, during construction, during exit points and HOV lanes, expressways are plates. The lanes are marked with a diamond
heavy traffic, and always at night, the distance similar to traveling on a divided highway. There symbol and the hours of restriction are posted.
between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of is a median separating traffic traveling in op- The penalty for violating HOV lane restric tions is
you should be even greater. a fine up to $75 for a first offense; up to $100 for a
posite directions; lanes are marked with dashed
lines, and the edge of the roadway is marked second offense; up to $150 for a third offense; and
Speed and Stopping Distance with a solid line; slower traffic should keep to up to $150 plus one point added to the violator’s
the right; and all traffic laws and guidelines driving record for a fourth or subsequent offense.
The distance it takes to stop your vehicle is associated with safe driving still apply.
important in determining a safe driving speed.
The chart below may be used as a guide, but Entering Expressways
actual stopping distance can depend on the The entrance ramp is a short one-way road
following factors in addition to vehicle speed: that leads to the expressway. From the entrance
ramp, you should move into the acceleration
lane. This is the lane that runs alongside the
main roadway. In the acceleration lane, you
can adjust your speed to the speed of the ex-
pressway traffic. When safe to do so, you should
merge into traffic. Vehicles on the expressway HOV LANES
have the right of way, but courteous drivers will Double White Lines (No Entry)
permit you to move into the expressway traffic. Dashed White Line (You May Enter)
Exiting Expressways
Prepare to exit a controlled access highway HOT Lanes
by safely moving to the right lane for an exit on
the right, or the left lane for an exit on the left. High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes are I-85
Guide signs will tell you of the approach ing exit. Express Lanes that allow registered transit, three
At the exit, deceleration lanes are provided for or more person carpool, motorcycles, emergency
slowing down when leaving the expressway. vehicles, and Alternative Fuel Vehicles to use the
Posted exit speeds are usually low due to the lanes toll-free.
• Mental and physical reaction of the driver; design of the roadway. Drivers should use either Tips For Expressway Driving
brake lights or a turn signal to indicate a change
• Type and condition of the pavement;
in speed to the drivers behind if slowing down • Plan your trip carefully. Mark the map to
• Kind of tires and tread composition; in the traveling lane when preparing to exit. indicate all entrances, service areas, and exits