Page 29 - Georgia Motorcycle Operators Manual 2020
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can also reduce peripheral vision. Tinted eye      Motorcycle Controls
protection or shields should not be worn at night
or any other time when little light is available.

Hearing Protection
   Long-term exposure to wind noise can cause

irreversible hearing damage. Properly worn
hearing protection can reduce wind noise and
make your ride more enjoyable, while still
allowing you to hear important sounds like
car horns and sirens. You can choose from a
variety of styles, from disposable foam plugs
to reusable custom-molded devices.

Protective Riding Gear                             •	 Handlebar height may not exceed twenty          •	 Conduct a pre-ride check of the motorcycle
   Riding gear designed for motorcycle riders         five inches (25”) above operator seat height.      before every ride.

provides protection in the event of a crash, as    •	 All motorcycles must have a functioning         •	 Keep it serviced and maintained.
well as from heat, cold, rain, debris, and hot or     exhaust system which includes a muffler         •	 Make sure your motorcycle fits you. Your
moving parts of the motorcycle. Sturdy syn-           and tailpipe(s).
thetic or leather materials provide the best pro-                                                        feet should reach the ground while you are
tection. Wearing brightly colored clothing with    •	 Passenger footrests must be fitted if carrying     seated on the motorcycle.
reflective material will make you more visible        a passenger.
to other roadway users.                                                                               3.3 – Motorcycle Controls
•	 Jackets and pants should cover arms and legs    •	 Headlight and taillight must be illuminated
                                                      at all times.                                      It is important to read your motorcycle own-
   completely and be made of durable material.                                                        er’s manual to learn where your motorcycle con-
   Jeans do not provide adequate protection.       •	 Read the owner’s manual first and get to        trols are and how to operate them. You should
   Wear a jacket even in warm weather to pre-         know it.                                        be able to operate them while riding without
   vent dehydration. Many motorcycle riding                                                           having to look for them.
   jackets are designed to protect without get-    •	 Be familiar with the motorcycle controls.
   ting you overheated, even on summer days.       •	 Turn signals are required.
•	 Protective footwear provides protection for     •	 Adjust mirrors for best rearward view.
   the feet, ankles, and lower parts of the legs.
   Leather boots are best. They should be high     TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
   and sturdy enough to cover your ankles and
   give them support. Soles should be made         1. What should be the first consider-             2. A plastic shatter-resistant face
   of durable slip resistant material. Sandals,       ation when buying your motorcycle                  shield:
   sneakers, and similar footwear should not          helmet:                                             A. Is not necessary if you have a
   be used since they provide little protection        A. Appearance                                         windshield.
   and may interfere with controls. Keep heels         B. Protection                                      B. Only protects your eyes.
   short so they do not catch on rough surfaces.       C. Price                                           C. Helps protect your whole face.
   Tuck laces in so they won’t catch on your
   motorcycle.                                     1. B – page 26, Helmet Selection
•	 Gloves allow a better grip and help protect     2. C – page 26, Face and Eye Protection
   your hands. Your gloves should be full-fin-
   gered and made of leather or similar durable
•	 Rain suits designed for motorcycle riding
   resist tearing apart or ballooning up at high
   speeds. You will be much more comfortable
   and alert than a rider who is wet and cold.
   One or two piece styles are available. A rain
   suit with reflective strips or high visibility
   orange or yellow colors are good choices.
   Whatever the weather conditions, always
wear protective gear that will keep you comfort-
able, enabling you to concentrate on your riding.

3.2 – Getting to Know
        Your Motorcycle

   You should get to know your motorcycle.
Learning how things work and what parts need
the most attention could reduce your chances
of being in a crash and extend the life of your
motorcycle. To make sure that your motorcycle
will not let you down:

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