Page 22 - Georgia Department of Driver Services Drivers Manual
P. 22


           •  Turn your wheels sharply to the right and  times of the day or for a short period of time.   •  Get out immediately
          back slowly toward the car behind the space    It is important to pay close attention to road   •  Move away

          you wish to use;                signs while driving to ensure that when you
                                                                                    Emergency Notification Systems
                                          approach a speed zone, whether temporary  •  Locate
           •  As your front door passes the back bumper                       (ENS) sign containing emergency contact
          of the car ahead of the space you wish to use,     or permanent, you will have sufficient time to   information.
          quickly straighten your wheels and continue     adjust your speed accordingly.
                                                                                  for help! Tell them a vehicle is on the
          to back diagonally into the space in a straight     Driving Too Slowly   •  Call
          line;                                                               tracks.
                                            Drivers are prohibited from driving a mo-

           •  When your front bumper is completely clear  tor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede
          of the car ahead of you, turn your wheels  the normal and reasonable movement of traf-
          sharply to the left and back slowly toward  fic e xcept w hen a   r educed s peed i s n ecessary
          the car behind you;             for safe operation. On roads with two or more
                                          lanes, drivers cannot continue to operate a mo-
           •  Stop before making contact with the car be-
          hind you. Place the car in drive, turn your  tor vehicle in the passing lane if that driver is
          wheels sharply to the right and pull toward   being overtaken by a motor vehicle traveling at
          the center of the parking space;   a higher rate of speed from behind. Penalties
                                          include fines u p t o $1000 a nd/or 3   p oints o n

           •  Always give the appropriate turn signal prior  the driving record.
          to beginning your parking maneuver and  When there are two or more lanes for traffic
          when you exit from a parallel parking space.  moving in the same direction, slower vehicles
                                          should use the right lane except when pass-
        Backing Up                        ing or making a left turn. Driving too slowly is
                                          dangerous because it impedes the regular flow
        •  Before backing, check all sides of your vehicle   of traffic. Minimum speed limits are posted on
          to make sure it is safe to do so. You should   certain highways. If you are unable to drive at
          turn your head and look over your right  the minimum speed, you should seek an al-
          shoulder while backing; do not depend on   ternate route.
        •  For  buses  and  large  vehicles,  the  driver  Railroad Crossings

          should use all mirrors and utilize a reliable
          person to observe and direct while backing   You must always stop within 50 feet, but not
          the vehicle.                    less than 15 feet, from the nearest rail of a rail-
                                          road crossing when any of the following apply:
        Traveling Speed                   •  The signal is flashing;
                                          •  The crossing gates are lowered;
        Super Speeder                     •  A flagman is giving a signal;
          Any driver convicted of speeding 75 mph or   •  A train is approaching so closely as to create
        more on a two-lane road or 85 miles per hour or   an immediate hazard;
        more on any road in Georgia, will be assessed
        a $200 state fee. The state fee will be in addition  •  A train gives a warning signal and is an im-
        to any local fines imposed in the jurisdiction   mediate hazard due to its speed or nearness
                                               the crossing;
        where the speeding offense occurs. Failure to   to
        pay the state fee on time will result in a license   •  A stop sign is posted.
        suspension and additional $50 reinstatement fee.
                                            Under no circumstances should a motorist
        Speed Limits                      drive through, around or under any crossing
          Maximum traveling speeds are determined  gate   while the gate is lowered. After stopping,
        based on the following general rules in Georgia  remain stopped until all tracks are clear, all
        unless otherwise posted:          railroad  crossing  warning  signals  stop  flash-
                                          ing, the crossing gates are raised, and it is safe
           •  30 miles per hour in any urban or residential
          district;                       to proceed.
           •  35 miles per hour on an unpaved county road;  7 Steps for Safety at Highway-
                                          Rail Grade Crossings:
           •  70 miles per hour on a rural interstate;
                                              1.  Approach with care.
           •  65 miles per hour on an urban interstate or
          on a multi-lane divided highway;     2. Prepare to stop.
           •  55 miles per hour in all other areas.     3.  Look both ways and listen carefully.
          These are only general rules. Local jurisdic-    4.  If it won't fit, don't commit. Do not enter
        tions, the Georgia Department of Transporta-  a crossing unless you can drive completely
        tion, or the Georgia Department of Public Safety     through without stopping!
        may deem it necessary to adjust speed limits       5.  Look again.
        based on local conditions, whether temporary
        or permanent.                         6.  Cross tracks with care.
          Always watch for speed limit signs
        while driving. Some areas, such as school       7.  Keep going once you start.
        zones or construction zones, may be posted     If your vehicle stalls on the tracks, do the

        for   lower maximum speed limits at certain  following:

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