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        G E O R G I A  D EP A RT M E N T  O F  D R I V ER  S ER V I C ES


                                                             DDS MISSION & CORE VALUES

                                                             Our Mission
                                                             To provide secure driver and identity credentials to our
                       LICENSES, PERMITS                     customers with excellence and respect.
                & IDENTIFICATION CARDS                       Our Core Values:
                  General Licensing Information      4       •  Trusted Service      •  Accountable to All
                                                             •  Ethical Actions      •  Motivated to Excellence
                     Obtaining a License, Permit        8     ##ExcellenceIsWhatDRIVESUs!
                           or Identifcation Card
                                                             Title VI Policy Statement

                             Testing Information  12
                                                             The Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) is committed to compliance
                 Other Services and Information  14          with Title VI of   the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all related nondiscrimination
                                                             authorities. DDS assures that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color,
                    RULES, REGULATIONS,                      national origin, sex, age, disability, low-income, and Limited English Profciency
                                                             (LEP), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefts of, or be oth-
                         LAWS AND SAFETY                     erwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. DDS further
                                                             assures  that  every  effort  will  be  made  to  ensure  nondiscrimination  in  all
                                     Traffc Laws    17       programs and activities, whether or not those programs and activities are feder-
                                                             ally funded. In addition, DDS will take reasonable steps to provide meaningful
                              Teen Driving Laws     26       access to services for persons with Limited English Profciency. Finally, DDS
                                                             agrees to abide by the Title VI Program Assurances and to ensure that written
                                                             agreements with any party for federally funded programs or services will include
                   Signs, Signals, and Markings     28       the applicable Title VI language as provided in the Title VI Program Assurances.
                               Safety Guidelines    38       The DDS Title VI Program Coordinator is responsible for oversight of the Title
                                                             VI Program and ensuring compliance with the requirements provided in 49
                               Sharing the Road     42       Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R) Part 21 and 49 C.F.R. Part 303.  The Title
                                                             VI Program Coordinator and   all Division Directors are authorized to effectively
                  Losing Your Driving Privileges    46       implement the Title VI Program on behalf of the Department.
                                         Crashes    50


                                                                                       CARD SERVICES
                                                                               •Submit Proof of Residency and/or Social Security
          Be certain to take advantage of DDS Online Services and avoid an unnecessary trip to a     •Address Change
                                                                                    Renewal or Replacement
          Customer Service Center.                                             •Class D to Class C Upgrade
                                                                               •CDL Self-Certification   Medical Documents
                                                                               •License Status
          DDS Online Services enable thousands of Georgia drivers to conduct many transactions     •Suspension   or Reinstatement Information
          via and eliminate a visit to a DDS Customer Service Center (CSC). This     PAY FEES
                                                                              •Super Speeder
          saves customers valuable time and money. DDS does not charge an additional fee for     •License Reinstatement
          choosing Online Services. A $5.00 discount may apply for eligible license types that are     •Pending Suspensions
          renewed on the internet.                                                    OTHER SERVICES
                                                                              •Online For-Hire Endorsement Application
                                                                              •Skip a Step!
                                                                                    (Complete Form Online)
                                                                              •Driving   History (MVR)

                                                                              •Motorcycle Safety Training Registration
                                                                              •Make Road   Test Appointment
                      For more information visit the DDS website at:          •Reservation Status
              and like DDS on Facebook!                                 DDS-2203-P (3/2017)
        The information contained in this manual is not intended to be an official legal reference to the Georgia traffic laws. It is intended only to explain, in everyday
        language,  those  laws,  driving  practices,  and  procedures  that  you  will  use  most  often.  It  should  be  noted  that  the  material  in  this  manual  is  subject  to
        change to comply with amended State and Federal legislation. The department’s primary statutory responsibilities are set forth in Title 40 of the Official
        Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.)   This publication is produced by the DDS Governmental Affairs & Communications Division.
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