Page 6 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
P. 6



         A day for a nature's                                                  An invitation to hear about

            summertime treat                                                   uninvited guests

                                                                                  Join LeeAnne Ball, the director   attendees will have an opportunity
                                                                               of Spirited History Investigations, as   to take photos, record for EVP's and
                                                                               she delves in the case files of historic   investigate right along with seasoned
            The                                                                haunted locations Spirited History has   paranormal investigators from Spirited
        Chesterfield                                                           investigated. She and investigators with   History through Magnolia Grange
        Historical Society                                                     Spirited History Investigations will be   House Museum. Who knows, maybe you
        of Virginia and                                                        sharing their supernatural encounters,   will have your own encounter with the
        the Chesterfield                                                       haunting electronic voice pheromera,    unknown during the night.  Be sure to
        County                                                                 and video clips of several of their most   bring your cameras, digital recorders, and
        Department                                                             terrifying and intriguing cases.    a flashlight.  Please wear soft-soled shoes.
        of Parks and                                                              The Chesterfield Historical Society   Cost is $10/person, Advanced
        Recreation                                                             of Virginia in partnership with the   registration required.
        presents a special                                                     Chesterfield County Department of Parks   To register, please call LeeAnne Ball
        event: Celebrate                                                       and Recreation presents a special event.   at (804) 748-1498.
        National                                                                  Paranormal Workshop: “Haunting      Ages 8 and up, children are to be
        Watermelon Day,                                                        Tales from Historic Sites” at Magnolia   accompanied by an adult.
        on Thursday, Aug                                                       Grange House Museum, 10020 Iron        For more information, visit the
        3, from noon to 2                                                      Bridge Road, Chesterfield, on Saturday,   Chesterfield Historical Society’s website
        p.m. at Magnolia                                                       July 29, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.     at or www.
        Grange House                                                              This event is intended to assist in
        Museum, 10020                                                          further providing both historical and
        Iron Bridge Road,                                                      educational programming to increase
        Chesterfield.                                                          awareness of the historical site.
            The event is                       The Chesterfield Historical Society   At the end of the workshop
        meant to assist in further providing both   of Virginia is a private, non-profit
        historical and educational programming   501(c) (3) organization established
        to increase awareness of the historical   in 1981.  Its mission is to collect,   A Completely Different Experience in Dining
        site.                               preserve, interpret, and promote
            They are offering a free slice of   the county’s past for the education                                        LUNCH HOURS
        watermelon with admission while     and enjoyment of present and future                                       Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
        supplies last to help you cool off from   generations.  To volunteer, please visit                                 DINNER HOURS
        the hot days of summer.                                                    Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
            For more information, please                                                                                  Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
        call LeeAnne Ball at (804) 748-  2
        1498 or visit our website at www.                                                   12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898



                                     3 4
            Make a yarn doll and enjoy other
        yarn-related activities as the Chesterfield
        Historical Society and Chesterfield
        County Dept. of Parks and Recreation
        present “Fun with Yarn,” a free and
        family-friendly program, at the County
        Museum on            Wednesday,
                             Aug. 2.  Drop
        in                    anytime
                              between 11
                               a.m. and 1
                               p.m. to see
        how                    yarn was
        in                      the past.
        under                12 must be
                accompanied by an adult.
            The County Museum is located at
        6813 Mimms Loop on Chesterfield’s                           7
        Historic Courthouse Green.

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