Page 11 - VillageNews10-18-17
P. 11                                           Tax problems?                          STEPHANIE’S
                                                                                 Are tax problems                     PET GROOMING
       College night for high                                                  keeping you awake                      Welcomes Kristin Moloney,
                                                                                                                            certified groomer, to our
       school students and                                                     at night?                                    staff. Kristin specializes in
                                                                                                                            creative grooming, Asian
                                                                                                                             fusion grooming and
       adult learners at                                                                        We can help                 handstripping She has 13
                                                                                                                             years experience and is
       John Tyler                                                                          you resolve your                Red Cross certified. Kristin
                                                                                              tax nightmare.
                                                                                Free and confidential consultation.          will now be grooming on
          More than two-thirds of careers   student resources.                   Call today! The sooner you call,   “I have a new groomer”  weekdays and Saturdays
       require some education beyond high     College Night is open to all high   the sooner the problem is resolved.        from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
       school. Now’s your chance to explore   school students and their parents,                                 Call or come by to make an appointment.
       some of the higher education options   as well as adult learners who are                 804-425-9856    15800 B Jefferson Davis Hwy. (Happy Hill SC)
       available to you and your family.   thinking about starting or continuing           804-526-7197
       John Tyler Community College,      their college educations. It will take   10310 Memory Lane, Suite 2E, Chesterfield, VA 23832.
       in partnership with the Virginia   place from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in
       Association of Collegiate Registrars   the Nicholas Center at John Tyler
       and Admissions Officers will hold   Community College’s Chester Campus,
       its annual College Night on Oct. 30.   located at 13101 Jefferson Davis
       Representatives from more than 75   Highway. There is no charge to attend.   11400 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
       colleges and universities will be on   For additional information about           Chester, Va.
       hand to answer your questions and to   the event, e-mail Dr. Ann Sorensen,          748-5635
       talk to you about a variety of topics,   internship and career placement   Monday & Wednesday

                                                                                          11400 Jefferson Davis Hwy.
       such as programs, classes, paying for   coach, at or call         Chester Va.

       college, the application process, and   804-706-5166.                         1p.m. to-10 p.m.

                                                                                   Kids Summer Special
                                                                                $2 per game per person            11310 Ironbridge Road
       Upcoming events                                                               Monday, Thursday, Friday 1 to 6pm.   Chester, VA 23831
                                                                                      $2 shoe rental
                                                                                            (Ages 5-16)
                                                                                        Bowl 2 games and shoes
                                                                                    Holiday Bowl also does Birthday
       from the Senior                                                         Parties, Church and Company Outings.  Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!

                                                                                           for just $6.
                                                                                       June 1 – September 3
                                                                                                                     Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
                                                                                  Not valid November 22 because of

       Advocates office                                                                       Bring your Kids Bowling.              Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
                                                                                       Bowling Tournament.
                                                                                      Ends December 27,2017
       Navigating the Medicare Maze –     an adult with physical or cognitive
       Chesterfield Council on Aging      The support group meeting on Nov. 7, 4  Bazaar and Applefest
                                          deterioration, usually a parent or spouse.
          Do you have questions about     p.m. to 5:15 p.m., will be held at Lucy
       Medicare? On Oct. 26, 9 a.m. to    Corr Village Assisted Living Friendship                                     Saturday, Nov. 4
       10:30 p.m. a session will cover the   Room, 6800 Lucy Corr Blvd.
       basics of Medicare, an explanation of                                                                            8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
       the A/B/C/D plans, as well as ways to   Kinship Connection Support
       fill in the gaps with various insurance   Group                               To pre-order your apples             Brunswick Stew, Yard Sale,
       coverage options.  Olivia Claud        Kinship Connection is a support           or reserve your                 Crafts, Baked Goods, Jewelry,
       of the Virginia State Corporation   group for grandparents raising their   Brunswick Stew, sweet potatoes,
       Commission will present the program   grandchildren, and other family             and collards;                   Frozen Casseroles and more.
       and answer questions afterward. The   members raising children. The group    call 804-275-2325 or email            Breakfast & lunch prepared
       session will be held at Lucy Corr   meeting, Nov. 16, 4:30 p.m. to 6                   fresh at the Choir Cafe
       Village (Mast Auditorium), 6800    p.m. will be held at the Community
       Lucy Corr Blvd.                    Development Building, Multi-purpose   BEULAH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
                                          Room, 9800 Government Center Pkwy.         6930 Hopkins Rd. • 804-275-2325
       Health and Safety in the Home
                                          Lawyers Helping Seniors Clinic
          Chesterfield’s firefighter/paramedic,                               Back Pain?  Neck Pain?
       David Webb, will discuss the county’s   At a special clinic legal documents
       Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program.   (will, advanced medical directive,   Herniated or
       Webb will explain how specially    power of attorney) will be prepared
       trained paramedics work closely with   at no cost for eligible Chesterfield   Degenerative Disc?
       community resources to help address   seniors.  This program, Dec. 11, 9
       potential service gaps and promote   a.m. to 3 p.m.,  is for individuals who         Relief and Healing
       healthy lifestyle choices. This workshop,    do not have these legal documents
       from the “Soup for the Caregiver’s Soul”   prepared.  Appointments are limited and         is just a phone call away.
       series is free of charge and open to the   registration is required. The location will         Call 748-2763
       community. It will be held Nov. 2, 1 p.m.   be provided at the time appointment is
       to 3 p.m. at the Meadowdale Library,   set.  To confirm eligibility and register,
       4301 Meadowdale Blvd.              please call the Chesterfield Office of the
                                          Senior Advocate at (804) 768-7878.
       Caregiver Connection Support
       Group                                  For more information on any of the
          Caregiver Connection helps address   above programs, call (804) 768-7878 or
       the needs of those who are caring for   e-mail                                                                                             OCTOBER 25, 2017  11
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