Page 12 - 08-09-2017 full page paper
P. 12


        School registration ongoing for 2017-18 school year

            Are you new to the county and   by Sept. 30 to enroll.             After registration is completed, the   or vaccination is not required; if
        need to register a student? New students   To register for school, proof of   Chesterfield school will request a   provided, documentation will be
        attending Chesterfield County Public   county residency is required by providing   transfer of records from the previous   accepted by the school. For more
        Schools this upcoming school year   one of these documents:lease for at   school.                         information about immunization,
        should register as soon as possible at the   least one year or deed of a residence in   In addition, a student enrolling in   visit
        school they are zoned to attend. Early   Chesterfield Countycontract or lease free   a Virginia public school for the first   Immunization/requirements.htm.
        registration assists the school division   of contingencies to occupy a Chesterfield   time must provide a certified original   Students can register during
        inpreparing and planning for staffing   residence within two months of the   birth certificate, record of a physical   office hours at their home school. For
        needs at all schools.               date of enrollment, resident manager’s   examination (performed within the   school attendance zones or registration
            Students must reside with a parent   letter on company letterhead stating   past12 months) and updated records   information, visit mychesterfieldschools.
        or legal guardian in Chesterfield County   that residence is a corporate residence   listing dates of each state-required   com.
        to attend Chesterfield County Public   in Chesterfield, weekly receipts for   immunization.
        Schools. The school division may    temporary residence in a hotel or motel   Documentation is required of age-
        verify residency any year a student is   for up to 60 days (requires renewal or   appropriate immunizations for measles,   DONATE TODAY
        enrolled in Chesterfield County Public   evidence of more permanent residency   mumps, rubella (MMR), diphtheria,
        Schools. Students attend the schools in   within 60 days of enrollment).  tetanus, pertussis (DTP), polio, hepatitis
        theirattendance areas unless a waiver is   Parents submitting a “lives with”   B and varicella (chickenpox). A one-
        granted or they are accepted in a center-  form when registering must bring the   time booster of tetanus, diphtheria,
        based or specialty program.         person they live with.             acellular pertussis (Tdap) is required
            Children must be 5 years old on or   That person must provide proof   for all sixth-, seventh-, eighth- and
        before Sept. 30 of the school year to be   of county residency, and the parent of   ninth-grade students. Three doses of
        eligible to attend kindergarten; there are   the incoming student must provide two   properly spaced human papilloma virus
        no exceptions to this state requirement.   supporting documents with name and   (HPV) vaccine are required for girls,
        Daylong prekindergarten programs    correct address.                   with the first dose administered before
        for at-risk 4-year-olds are available at   It is helpful if transferring students   enteringsixth grade. Parents or guardians
        20 elementary schools. There also is   provide a report card from their previous   may elect that their child not receive the   Help And Hope For Those In Need
        aprekindergarten program for children   school and, if applicable, a copy of   HPV vaccine.       
        with disabilities who must be 2 years old   an individualized education program.   Documentation of HPV exemption
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