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                                                                               Weekly Calendar

                                                                                AUG    MY FIRST SCHOOL BUS – 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Meadowdale
                                                                                       Library. New kindergartners are invited to practice getting on and
                                                                                 9     off a real school bus and learn about bus safety. Register online at
                                                                              Please register all children who will attend the
                                                                                WED    program, but parents do not need to register.

                                                                                       CHESTERFIELD FARMERS MARKET – 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                       Chesterfield County Government Complex on Mimms Loop, near
                                                                                       school board building.

                                                                                       CHESTERFIELD NEEDLEWORK FRIENDS – 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                       Chester Library Chester Small Room. Knit, crochet, socialize, and
                                                                                       share your techniques with others. All skill levels are welcome.
                                                                                AUG    MEADOWDALE TALES BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – 7 p.m. to 8
         THE FACILITY THAT WOULD COME TO BE KNOWN AS DGSC (DEFENCE GENERAL SUPPLY      p.m. Meadowdale Library, Meadowdale Meeting Room., “The Summer
         CENTER). THE DETENTION CAMP WAS IN OPERATION FROM 1941 TO 1945.        10     Before the War” by Helen Simonson will be discussed. No registration
         That was then ...                       POWs                          THUR    required.
                                                                                 AUG   BLUEGRASS JAM SESSION - 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Brighter Living
             German POWs during WWII        began arriving in the states. Once they    Assisted Living Facility, 5301 Plaza Drive, Hopewell, VA  23680. The
         were held at Bellwood (DGSC). At its   were bivouacking here the Department of   11  Bluegrass players and singers are local area residents, and the event
         height, 2,000 POWs would be camped   the Army indicated that the POWs would   is free.  Come and join us for a night of talent, socialization, sharing
         at Bellwood. As they arrived, they would   be treated as the Geneva Convention   FRI  and smiles. Anyone can join the group. Check us out on Facebook at
         build their own barracks, athletic field and   dictated.                      Brighter Living Assisted Living or Friends of Bluegrass in Richmond.
         place of worship. A barbed-wire stockade   The food for the German captives   Any questions call Barbara at 943-3957.
         circled the camp which was under   consisted of meat and corn such as our
         surveillance by American M.P. guards who   own soldiers would have eaten. But he   AUG   JONATHAN AUSTIN – 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Meadowdale Library,
         were completed armed.              wants what he ate from the time he was     Meadowdale Meeting Room. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Enon Library,
             Some area residents, thought the   growing up:  the potato.        12     Enon Meeting Room. Fun for the whole family with juggling, magic
         prisoners may be living a good life at the   The Nazis wanted the potato added   tricks, zany gags and jokes. Register online at
         camp that sat right in their community.   to the menu, but that was an item already   SAT
         According to the “Golden Anniversary”   rationed to civilians in the U.S. Col.   CHESTER FARMERS MARKET – 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Chester
         edition of Elk Horn, a magazine    Humphries, who commanded the post
         distributed within the DGSC facility, the   wrote to the community that no civilian   Village Green.
         army activated a new supply depot at   jobs would be replaced by prisoners as
         the site of a former plantation south OF   long as the civilian employee was doing a   WOOD FARMERS MARKET – Woods United Methodist Church – 8
         Richmond  on U.S. Highway 1.       good job.                                  a.m. to noon. 7200 Hickory Rd.
             After the attack on Pearl Harbor and   Taken from Elk Horn Magazine,
         Americans got into the war the captured   DGSC May 1992.                      RIVER STREET MARKET – 8 a.m. to noon. 30 River Street, Old
                                                                                       Town Petersburg (next to the Farmer’s Market building) Petersburg’s
                                                                                       Produce and Arts Market.
         7-DAY WEATHER OUTLOOK                                                  AUG    CHIEF OF POLICE SEARCH COMMUNITY INPUT MEETSINGS

         wednesday              thursday                friday                         – 2 p.m. Chesterfield County Public Meeting Room, 10001 Ironbridge
         high 83                high 81                 high 81                 14     Rd.; 7 p.m. Ettrick Elementary School – Cafetorium, 20910
                                                                                       Chesterfield Avenue, South Chesterfield.
         low 63                 low 62                  low 67                  MON
                                                                                       MEADOWDALE MEDITATION HOUR – 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
          saturday             sunday                  monday                          Meadowdale Library.  Drop in and explore meditation at your own
          high 84              high 86                 high 86                         pace. Through self-guided learning and regular practice, you’ll discover
          low 69               low 68                  low 71                          how easy it is to achieve peace of mind. We’ll provide the space, mats
                                                                                       and ambience. No registration required.
         high 83                           last week’s forecast...              AUG    PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING – 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Public
         low 70                            65% accurate                                Meeting Room, 10001 Iron Bridge Road, Chesterfield.
                                                                               15      CCPL CHESS CLUB – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Meadowdale Library.Learn to

                                                                                TUES   play the beautiful game of chess in a relaxed, stress-free environment.
                                                                                       Join the club and meet others who enjoy the game.  All ages are
                Village      News                                                      welcome.

                                                                                       GRACE CAFE –- 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Free weekly dinners, open to
                            Publisher: Linda Fausz                                       Managing Editor:  Mark Fausz     everyone at Chester Presbyterian Church 3424 W. Hundred Road,
                     Account Executive: Tyler Fausz                     Copy Editor: Steven Miles  Details: 748-4636.
                     Larry Newman, Pete Hypes, Walter Wilson, Marly Fuller, Gena Lashley  AUG  CHESTERFIELD FARMERS MARKET – 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
                 Sports Editor:  Josh Mathews  Contributing Writers: Becky Robinette Wright, Danielle Ozbat  Chesterfield County Government Complex on Mimms Loop, near
                                                                               16      school board building.
                              Published weekly by Village Publishing LLC
                  11801 Centre St., Chester, Va., 23831  •  (804) 751-0421  •  WED  INTRODUCTION TO 3 D PRINTING – 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Meadowdale
                           For editorial and advertising information: Call 751-0421,   Library, Meadowdale Meeting Room. Learn to use computer-aided
            Mail letters and editorial comments to: P.O. Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831 or to  design (CAD) software to create just about anything, and then print it
          Village News invites the submission of manuscripts but regrets that we cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or content of their article.   on our 3-D printer.  Register online at
          All advertising included in this publication is subject to truth in advertising laws. The real estate advertising included in this publication is subject to Equal
          Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. Any statement made in any advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Copyright © 2017 Village Publishing, LLC
                                                                                       CHESTER CHOICES BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP  - 10:30 a.m.
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