Page 15 - January 31, 2018
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                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
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        JOB OPPORTUNITIES                                    LEGALS                                                SUDOKU PUZZLE
       Help Wanted for cleaning   V I R G I N I A:                                                                                            Sudoku
       crew members. Exp.                             IN THE                                                                                  Difficulty:
       appreciated. Valid Driver’s   CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE    Save Big $$ by Advertising
       Lic. mandatory and own   COUNTY OF CHESTERFIELD                                                                                                     2 8 1 6      9
       transportation to office   THOMAS CLINTON                                                                                                Row       6     7        2
       in Chester. FT, Mon.-Fri.   GREENE,                        Your Legal Notice                                                                       7  9       6
       Benefits Available. Maid   Complainant,                                                                                                Three-      4  2          1
       Services with AR, Inc.,        v.        Case No. CL18-84  in the Village News                                                         by-three   2                5  Column
       804-748-8471.          ARCLETHIA KATHUSA                                                                                               square    9          3   7
                              GREENE,.                        Ads starting at $9/col. inch                                                                9       8   2
       Hevener Tire & Auto now   Defendant.                                                                                                             8        2     4
       hiring Virginia State License                                                                                                                    6     5 9 7 1
       Inspector. Stop by between   ORDER OF PUBLICATION                                                                                            SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
       the hours of 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.   The object of this suit is for                                                                          How to do Sudoku
                                                                                                                                                         Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
       Ask for Ray or Stevie. 11107   the complainant to obtain a                                                                             Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                                                        © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                 Pub Date:04/28/06  Slug:28USUDOKU16.eps
       Iron Bridge Rd. Chester. 804-  divorce from the defendant   We are Certified by the Circuit Court to Publish Legal Notices             appear just once in every column, row, and
       768-0778.              on the ground that the parties                                                                                  three-by-three square. See example above. For
                              have lived separate and apart   Everything For Kids  Southside Moms of Multiples  Fall & Winter Sale  Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am.  Cash and credit cards.  7401 Hull Street Rd.  Manchester Middle School,  Strollers, clothes, furniture,  toys, and more.  Find us on Facebook. Sale!   Ads may be received electronically.  Paid by check or credit card.    strategies, go to
                              without any cohabitation and                                           Sudoku
               AUTO           without interruption, and with   For more information or to submit your ads call Linda at 751-0421   Difficulty:                       The Christian Science Monitor
                                                                                                         By Ben Arnoldy
                              the plaintiff’s intent to terminate   or e-mail:
       Car door speakers. Brand   the marriage, for a period of                                       Row       6         9
                                                                                                               2 8 1 6
       new in box. Lites up with the   more than one (1) year. It is                                           7  9  7        6   2
       beat of the music. Asking   accordingly ORDERED that                                          Three-    4  2          1
       $125 OBO. 721-7939 or 479-  ARCLETHIA KATHUSA                                                 by-three   2                5  Column
       2341.                  GREENE, defendant, whose      WANTED                                          9          3   7
                              whereabouts is unknown, appear                    ROOM FOR RENT                8  9       2   8    2

                              before this court on or before the   WANTED. Wooden library                   6     5 9 7 1               Sudoku solution
          CEMETERY PLOTS      6  day of March, 2018 at 11:30   card file cabinet. Prefer 20 to   Upstairs room for rent –   How to do Sudoku
                              a.m. in the Clerk’s Office of this   30 drawers. Drawers 16-18   mature adult. All Utl. Incl. No   WEEKLY HOROSCOPE
       Moving out of State: 2 Lots for   court and do what is necessary   inches long. Contact Luke   Laundry fac. On property.   Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                     appear just once in every column, row, and
       Sale, Section B , Lot 8, Spaces   to protect her interest.  (804) 748-9147.  Share bath & Kit. w/2 adults.   ARIES (March 21-April 19). Sir Win-  back off of a certain relationship this
                                                                                                     three-by-three square. See example above. For
                                                                                                     strategies, go to
       9&10 in Sunset Memorial Park                                          908-4193.               ston Churchill said, “We make a liv-  week, and it will be healthy for all --
       . Asking $2,500 both. Currently   AN EXTRACT TESTE:  Sega Dreamcast with games   YARD SALE    ing by what we get; we make a life   by giving more room, you let more
                                                                       By Ben Arnoldy
                                                                                                                       The Christian Science Monitor
                                                                                                                             Pub Date:04/28/06  Slug:28USUDOKU18.eps
       Sell for $2,590 Each . You pay   Wendy S. Hughes, Clerk  especially fishing games..           by what we give.” This week you will   light in. The perspective change will
                                                                                                                            benefit everyone. In the later week,
                                                                                                                 © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
       $295 Transfer Fee . Call 804-                  721-7939 or 479-2341.  Vendors needed - Yard Sale/  focus on the care and benefits that   it will behoove you to seek wisdom,
                                                                                                     come with being a friend, and the
                                                                                                           Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
       317-8626.              Travis R. Williams, Esqire                     Craft Fair, April 21, 8-1 at   payoff will be immediate. You’ll feel   not information. The more you un-
                              DANIELS, WILLIAMS, TUCK                        Chester Christian Church.   better in your heart, and you’ll make   derstand the better you will be un-
                                                                                                                                  SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
       (2) cemetery plots, side-  & RITTER            Wanted – female in need of   $25 donation per space.    better choices coming from that   derstood.
       by-side, Sunset Memorial   P.O. Box 3570       a place to live rent free in   Proceeds benefit the 2018   generous place.   SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Profes-
       Gardens. $4,000 for both.   11901 Iron Bridge Road  exchange for cooking and   Haiti Mission Team.  Call 748-  TAURUS (April 20-May 20). People   sional goals will lead you far from
       1-804-598-1162.        Chester, Virginia 23831-8481  cleaning and help with food.   3392 for info.  show appreciation in different ways   your comfort zone, but by the end of
                                                                                                                            the week, you’ll have an entirely new
                              804/748-9803            349-8256,                                      -- some directly and some indirect-  and expanded comfort zone. From
       Sunset Memorial Park, 2   (804) 796-2706 (Fax)                                                ly with the way they treat  you, the   Wednesday through Saturday, you’ll
                                                                                                     things they do for you and the effort
       spaces. Garden 3B. $5,800                             “BOY SCOUT TROOP 2837”                  they make. Here’s a dying art: no-  spend many hours on a difficult task.
       value for $4,500. 904-212-                                                      Pub Date:03/17/06  Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps   Keep at it, because you’ll soon be-
                                                                                                     ticing interactions and responding
                                                                              © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.   come masterful.
       7191.                      ELECTRONICS                   MULCH FUNDRAISER                     gratefully, also known as manners.   SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
                                                                                                     Sometimes this week it will feel like
                                                                         Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
       Sunset Memorial Park. 4   Playstation 3. EC. Asking            FREE Delivery         SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps  keeping  You have no desire to accumulate
       plots. C118/1245. $5,000.   $200. 721-7939 or 479-2341.       Saturday, March 10 and/or       them alive.            things,  but  you  want  the  skills  and
                                                                                                                            knowledge that come with the pur-
       804-561-6284.                                                 Sunday, March 11, 2018          GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When
                                 MISCELLANEOUS                                                       you’re out of your element, you grow.   suit. Your social season starts on
       Dale Memorial Cemetery,                                  High Quality Shredded Brown Hardwood Mulch    You appreciate this and often will   Thursday. You like people, and peo-
                                                                      2 CUBIC FOOT BAGS
       Veterans only area. Side by   Redskins jersey: Robert   All orders are prepaid and must be received by February 28, 2018  push yourself past the comfort zone.   ple like you. Over the course of the
                                                                                                                            weekend, you’ll turn strangers into
                                                                                                     One side effect will become prom-
       Side lot. $8,000. 804-221-3403.  Griffith 3 . Asking $25. 721-                                                       friends.
                              7939 or 479-2341.                 $3.75 per bag...............................................12 to 50 bags  inent this week, though. At times it
                                                                $3.50 per bag.....................................................51 + bags
       Two burial plots (stacked).                      Bags are delivered to your home and placed on your driveway, no need to be home for delivery!  will feel like you’re putting quite a lot   CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). So-
                                                                                                                            cial grace is a talent you were born
       Dale Memorial Park, Sec       MUSICAL              For more information or order via email, please send email to:  of energy into just being normal.   with, but it still needs to be honed.
                                                                                                     CANCER (June 22-July 22). There’s
       10, Garden of Honor Area,   Have a musical instrument    “Troop 2837 of Chester Thanks You For Your Support.”    a trap in this week’s cosmic make-  Practice on a date this week. Long-
       2 units  568. Current value   to sell?  Place your ad in the   All proceeds benefit Boy Scouts of Troop 2837  up. It will be all too easy to victim-  time loves will reignite the spark. If
       $6,295. Asking $5,750. Call   Village News. $5 for 3 lines.  Mail order form & payment to:     or  Online orders - PayPal TM  ize yourself in your own head. If this   there’s someone you want to know
       804-366-8823.                                         Troop 2837              Visit:          happens, consider the convenienc-  better, reach out in conversation -- or
                                                             P.O. Box 2644
                                     EVENTS                 Chester, VA 23831    es  of  everyday  life.  If  you  live  in  a   better yet dance together under the
                                                                                                                            earth-sign moon this weekend.
                                                                                                     house in which you can turn on a
       4 adjoining Sunset Memorial                                                                   faucet and receive clean water, you   AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). In
       Park lots. B-59  1, 2, 6, 7.   Join Second Baptist Church   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Detach Here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  are truly privileged.   the past, someone told you that you
                                                                 TROOP 2837 MULCH ORDER FORM
       $6,900 757-254-8812.   in Chester, Virginia, as we   Name: __________________________________________________________________________  LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Are you con-  were being too sensitive, and yet
                              celebrate Black History Month.                                         nected with another person, and do   this same sensitivity will lead to good
       Sunset Memorial Park burial   Call 804-796-1912, if you are   Address: ________________________________________________________________________  you feel like that person can speak   fortune. A creative tool will enhance
                                                                                                                            your experience. Maybe it’s a cam-
       plot. Prime location. $2,500.   interested in joining us in these   Subdivision:______________________________________________________________________  for you? Co-dependency gets a   era that takes pictures you’ll cherish
       609-744-2216.          experiences.  Let us know of   Best Contact Number:_________________________     Email:______________________________  bad reputation, but sometimes (like   for years to come or a GPS system
                                                                                                     lately) it’s nice to have another per-
                              your favorite ‘Soul Food’ dish   Number of bags (Min. order 12 bags):_________   Interested in having it spread : ( $1.50 per bag, by appt. only.) Y or N  son to navigate the rapids with you.   that helps you confidently explore a
                                                       Check #_______  (payable to “Troop 2837)                          Amount Enclosed:__________________
        CLEANING SERVICES     to share during our Soul Food   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  And there will be rapids this week --   new place.
                                                                                                                            PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). A spe-
                              Potluck / Tasting Cook-off on   Please mail back the order form with payment and keep top half for your records.  mostly emotional.   cial relationship will take the spot-
                                                                                                     VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). This
       Gloria’s Cleaning Services  Saturday, February 3 .                                            week your energy is vibrant, though   light. You’ll interact with someone
       804-243-2654, perlaalex2@                                                                     not consistent. As superhuman as   you feel a great affinity toward. You’ll Call/Text/Email is   Call to reserve your seat at our                              you feel, you still require downtime to   do activities similar to those you’ve
       accepted.              Annual Black History Month                                             relax and recharge. On Friday, you’ll   done before, and yet new emotions
                              Gala on Saturday, February                                             draw someone in with the intensity of   will surface. On Saturday, an  open
                              24th.  Seating is limited and                                          your presence, your sparkling eyes   dialogue about your financial picture
                                                                                                                            will bring you into harmony with your
                              going fast!                                                            and the gusto you add to the con-  team.
                                                                                                     versation. Be careful, heartbreaker!
                                                                                                     LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You may
                                                                                                                               JANUARY 31, 2018  15
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