Page 6 - January 31, 2018
P. 6


       #MeToo discussion

          Meadowdale Library led a discussion   measures that
       on the #MeToo movement last Tuesday   can be taken to
       as part of their Points of View series. The   protect people
       #MeToo movement is a social media   from sexual
       hashtag used to bring awareness to the   harassment,
       widespread prevalence of sexual assault   and what
       and harassment and started gaining   outcome they
       attention after numerous sexual misconduct   would like to
       allegations against Harvey Weinstein were   see from the
       revealed. The phrase was first used by   movement.
       Tarana Burke in 2006 and later popularized   Cheryle
       by actress Alyssa Milano.          Rodriguez,
          The Points of View series is the   senior library
       brainchild of James Hudson, branch   specialist of
       manager of Meadowdale Library, and the   Chesterfield
       previous topics focused on social unrest   County Public
       (that discussion took place a week after the   Library, led
       Charlottesville rally) and education. Hudson  the discussion
       said he wanted to switch gears to timelier   about the
       topics and, after a collaborative decision   movement’s
       was made, the #MeToo movement was   diversity
       chosen.                            problem, and
          Honor Zalewski, assistant branch   an attendee,
       manager of Chesterfield County Public   Mary
       Library, was pleased with the night’s topic   Katterfield,            happened in the last 50 years and   unless the men are at the table, there’s
       and said it was very applicable to what was   said that the military is also left out of the   what’s likely to happen going   no solution; it’s just a movement on
       going on in the world today.       conversation. Katterfield shared a story   forward,” Katterfield said, “[but]   prime time for a week report.”
          “I am just astounded and amazed at   about knowing a female Marine who was
                                                                                got storm damage?
       how many people have been affected by   sexually assaulted, and she reminded guests   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       the movement,” Zalewski said. “I mean,   that if women across the board have it   got storm damage?
       because we all have kept our mouths shut,   rough, those in the military have it much   REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
       and it’s amazing to me that it’s so prevalent.”  worse.                      We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
          Ed Ely said he attended out of curiosity   The attendees also discussed false      CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
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       and had only found out about the movement  accusations, and wanting justice for   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
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       that same day. Though he worried about   those who have been assaulted and
       the dangers of false accusations, he said he   also those have been falsely accused.   • Locally owned & operated
       thinks there is validity to the movement.   Ryan Morris, director of advocacy   • Highest quality materials
       Aside from Hudson, Ely was the only other   and outreach for the YWCA of   • Exterior remodeling services
       male in attendance, but, he said he didn’t   Richmond, informed the group that   • Fast, reliable service
       mind it because he wanted to hear what the   although the media reports on it, only   • Fully licensed & insured
       women had to say.                  2 percent to 8 percent of reports are
          “I don’t mind being the only male   false accusations.                                                      804-520-9791
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       because I want to hear what the females   Rodriguez closed the discussion                                     Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
                                                                                                                        Locally Owned & Operated
       have to say,” Ely said. “I can expand my   by asking participants about ideas                      
       horizons other than just … reading the   they had that can be a part of the
       paper or [seeing it] on the news, so these   solution and about men’s role   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
       are people who are my neighbors and get   in the movement. In response,
       their feelings because they’re out in the   Katterfield bemoaned the lack of
       workplace.”                        men in attendance and said that the   I WANT YOU...                                       NEW
          After answering a few icebreaker   movement does not make men a part
       questions and getting a brief history of   of the discussion, they cannot make   to get the LARGEST tax refund possible  CUSTOMER
       #MeToo, attendees were then asked to   them part of the solution.                        tax MADE EZ                     SPECIAL
       go into deeper discussion – facilitated   “We can have folks here giving
       by a librarian – about the inclusivity and   their stories, giving their thoughts,          11923 Centre Street        $
       diversity of the movement, preventative   giving their ideas about what’s                          Suite A
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       06   JANUARY 31, 2018                                                                                  
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