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AUGUST 23, 2017 XX NO.1

              Village      News

       Discovering LITTLE

       painted rocks

          Jerry Wade has been walking two   messages, “Dream Big,” “Fine Beauty in   her that this was
       to three miles a day for the last 12 years.   Simple Things,” “USA” – some of them I   one of the coolest
       “I shouldn’t be here, but I am,” he said.    don’t know what they are supposed to be.   things I’d ever seen
       In 2004 he had coronary artery surgery   I guess you can say when I have found this   on Facebook. She
       on both sides, each one three days apart.   many, it shows you that I walk a lot.” His   asked if this was
       He began walking as part of his health   favorite of all that he has collected is still   something that
       regimen. Wade and his wife Maurcia live   the first one he found with the googly eyes.  folks around here
       on Womack Road, and his walk includes   There have been many various rock   would enjoy, and
       his neighborhood, Chesterbrook, the   projects over the years and many rock   I assured her it
       Village Green, and Linear Park.  He is out   painting groups.  You might remember   would be a huge
       most days provided there’s no rain or high   Pet Rocks. The RVA Rocks was formed   hit, and it was right
       temperatures. He has become known as   by Jessica Laws and Karen Walton, North   up our alley. I’ve
       “the Stick Man.” He began carrying a five-  Chesterfield residents.  Laws’s family   lived here off and
       foot stick nearly two inches in diameter   had moved to Walton’s community from   on my entire life
       after being attached by two pit bulls that got   Tacoma, Wash.. She and Walton had a lot in   and I knew this
       loose on Linear Park.              common and became fast friends.    was perfect for this
          Recently while walking Linear Park   “We hung out every so often, and our   area...for Virginia,
       he made a discovery of a painted rock with   kids and husbands got along good too,”   Central Virginia,
       googly eyes. Curious, he picked it up and    said Walton. “One night, she and I were   the East Coast,
       turned it over, and painted on the bottom   chatting on Facebook Messanger. She sent   anywhere. How
       was “RVA Rocks.” He carried it home   me a link to a FB group. She asked me to   could you not
       and showed his wife who told him about   join and check it out and let her know what   love this simple
       this movement from a report she saw on   I thought. The group was called Tacoma   concept that
       television news. The following from the   Rocks. They had thousands of members.   had such a pure
       web site of television station WWBT: “If   I can’t remember how many back then.   purpose: to make
       you happen to see a painted rock at a park   But it was really cool, and I’ve never seen   people happy.”
       in Central Virginia, pick it up and take it   anything like it. People were painting and   Laws created
       home or hide it somewhere else - it’s part   placing rocks all over Tacoma. Others   the Facebook
       of a project called RVA Rocks, which is   would find the rocks and post pics to the   page in January.
       designed to get families to explore the   group, and then join in the painting aspect   In February,
       area.”                             as well.  I messaged my friend and told   Laws asked a
          Since then, Wade has                                               few women from
       picked up several during his                                          her church to
       walks over the last few months.                                       attend their first
       “They are all different sizes,”                                       RVARocks paint   JERRY WADE “THE STICK MAN” HOLDING HIS FAVORITE ROCK.
       he said.  “I have found most of                                       party. Days later, the two of them along with
       them on Linear Park and in the                                        some friends and their children got together   and hiding as many and as often as
       Village. I even found one on the                                      on a cold and windy day and they walked   possible. “It was like it was a full time
       bench by Walgreens.  One is                                           around Rockwood Park and then Belle Isle,   job,” Dalton said. “We had to grow the
       painted like an ice cream cone,                                       hiding rocks, snapping pictures of clues,   group to a self-sustaining level in order
       another looks like a night sky                                        and posting them to the group.      for this to work.”
       with the North Star, there are   RVA ROCKS THAT WADE HAS COLLECTED.       The small group continued painting         Read more on page 3

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