Page 9 - 09-23-2017 Full Page magazine views
P. 9
            POLICE BLOTTER

         Summary               ARBOR CROFT WY (110xx block)       9:00 a.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from   reported stolen.
                               08/07/2017 7:00 p.m. – Money and electronics
                                                                                                       MARTINGALE RD (27xx block) 08/09/2017
                                                                  FAIRPINES RD (65xx block) 08/09/2017
                               reported stolen.
                                                                                                       6:30 a.m. - Weapons Violations-Illegal
       of reported             ARBOR CROFT WY (111xx block)       10:30 p.m. – Side window entry. Consumable   Discharge
                               08/07/2017 9:00 p.m. – Money stolen from
                                                                                                       MEADOWDALE BLVD (43xx block)
                                                                  goods and miscellaneous items reported
            offenses           vehicle.                           stolen.                              08/10/2017 4:30 p.m. -  Electronics stolen
                                                                                                       from building.
                                                                  FIELDING RD (29xx block) 08/10/2017
                               BEACH RD (72xx block) 08/12/2017 5:00
           AUGUST 8 - AUGUST 14  p.m. – Money and miscellaneous items   10:00 p.m. – Front driver’s side door entered.   MEREDITH HILL TR (90xx block) 08/10/2017
                               reported stolen from residence.
                                                                  Jewelry and money reported stolen from
                                                                                                       1:30 a.m. – Front driver’s side door entered.
                     larceny   BELLBROOK DR (42xx block) 01/01/2014   vehicle.                         Money and miscellaneous items stolen from
                               12:00 p.m. – Money and jewelry reported   GAINFORD CR (28xx block) 08/12/2017 8:00   vehicle.
                               stolen from residence.             a.m. – Rear driver’s side window entered.   MONZA DR (36xx block) 08/12/2017 12:00
                     49  BEN FRY DR (127xx block) 08/11/2017 1:45   Miscellaneous items stolen from vehicle  p.m. - Weapons Violations-Shooting in
                               a.m. – Front door entry.  Nothing reported   GATESGREEN DR (63xx block) 08/10/2017   Occupied Bldg/Vehicle
                   assaults    stolen.                            4:00 p.m. - Injury-Accidental - Overdose  N ENON CHURCH RD (139xx block)
                     26        BENSLEY COMMONS BL (27xx block)    GILLING RD (54xx block) 08/11/2017 1:00   08/06/2017 9:00 a.m. – Front door entry.
                                                                  p.m. – Vandalism to a mailbox.
                               08/09/2017 3:00 p.m.  Electronics reported
                                                                                                       Miscellaneous items reported stolen.
                               stolen.                            GREEN GARDEN CR (7xx block) 08/06/2017   OBISQUE DR (57xx block) 08/11/2017 9:00
                      traffic  BENSLEY COMMONS LN  (71xx block)   11:00 p.m. – Front passenger side door entry.   p.m. - Weapons Violations-Illegal Discharge
                               08/12/2017 7:00 p.m. -  Consumable goods,   Money and electronics reported stolen.  OLD CENTRALIA RD (107xx block)
                               money, electronics, and miscellaneous items   HACKNEY RD (51xx block) 08/08/2017 8:00   08/12/2017 2:20 p.m. – Vandalism to a
                     26  reported stolen from residence.          p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.       mailbox.
                               BRANDERS BRIDGE RD (164xx block)   HAMLIN CREEK PL (100xx block)        OLD HOPKINS RD (77xx block) 08/09/2017
              animal cases     08/12/2017 10:30 p.m. – Vandalism to a   08/10/2017 11:30 p.m. – Clothing, jewelry,   2:00 p.m. – Rear door entry. Nothing reported
                     22        residence.                         money, and miscellaneous items reported   stolen.
                                                                                                       RABBIT RN (211xx block) 08/11/2017 11:00
                               BRICKHOUSE DR (209xx block) 07/26/2017
                                                                  stolen from victim.
                               12:00 p.m. – Front driver’s side door entry.   HAPPY HILL RD (164xx block) 08/02/2017   p.m. – Front door entry. Nothing reported
                vandalisms     Miscellaneous items stolen from vehicle.  8:00 a.m. – Front driver’s side door entered.   stolen.
                                                                                                       REMUDA DR (54xx block) 08/07/2017 4:00
                               BRIMLEY PL (7xx block) 08/06/2017 11:30
                                                                  Miscellaneous items reported stolen.
                               p.m. – Front  door entry. Clothing and   HAWKBILL CR (40xx block) 08/13/2017   p.m. – Miscellaneous items reported stolen
                     19  miscellaneous items reported stolen. Also, a   12:30 a.m. – Electronics and miscellaneous   from residence.
                               1997 gold Mercury was reported stolen.  items stolen from vehicle.      REMUDA DR (54xx block) 08/07/2017 5:00
             miscellaneous     BRITTONWOOD DR (100xx block)       HOPKINS RD (73xx block) 08/13/2017 6:40   p.m. – Electronics reported stolen.
                  18           08/13/2017 6:30 p.m. - Trespassing (Including   a.m. – Vandalism to a mailbox.  RUFFIN MILL RD (1xx block) 08/10/2017
                                                                                                       1:15 a.m. - Weapons Violations-Shooting in
                                                                  HUNTERSTAND LN (62 block) 08/12/2017
                               BURNT OAK TR (51xx block) 08/11/2017
                                                                  IRON BRIDGE PL (65xx block) 08/12/2017
                                                                                                       S BEULAH RD (65xx block) 08/07/2017 1:30
                               5:30 p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.  2:15 p.m. – Electronics reported stolen.  Occupied Bldg/Vehicle
                       fraud   CHALKLEY RD (108xx block) 08/13/2017   3:30 p.m. – Electronics reported stolen from   a.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.
                     15        7:30 a.m. – Vandalism to a mailbox.  office building.                   SANDY FORD RD (163xx block) 08/11/2017
                                                                  IRON BRIDGE RD (64xx block) 08/07/2017
                                                                                                       5:00 p.m.  – Vandalism to a residence.
                               CLAYBON LN (49xx block) 08/08/2017 10:00
                               p.m. – Vandalism to a residence.   4:46 p.m. – Money reported stolen.   SULA DR (22xx block) 08/07/2017 2:00 p.m.
                       drug    CLOVERPATCH TR (89xx block) 08/07/2017   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (65xx block)   – Vandalism to a vehicle.
                   offenses    1:14 p.m. – Side window entry. Nothing   08/07/2017 10:45 p.m. – Electronics stolen   TINS LN (29xx block) 08/11/2017 7:00 p.m.
                               reported stolen.
                                                                                                       – Money and miscellaneous items reported
                                                                  from grocery store.
                               CLOVERPATCH TR (89xx block) 08/13/2017   JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (67xx block)   stolen from residence.
                     14  10:00 p.m.- Rear door entry. Miscellaneous   08/09/2017 12:01 a.m. – Rear passenger   TINSBERRY DR (30xx block) 08/10/2017
                               items reported stolen.             window entry. Electronics reported stolen   4:30 p.m. – Front driver’s side door entered.
       death investigations    COXENDALE RD (4xx block) 08/12/2017   from vehicle.                     Money and jewelry reported stolen from
                     12        7:30 p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.  JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (69xx block)   vehicle.
                               DALEBROOK DR (70xx block) 07/21/2017
                                                                  08/08/2017 4:30 a.m. – Rear door entry.
                                                                                                       VOGT AVE (127xx block) 08/10/2017 9:00
                               12:01 a.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from
                                                                                                       Miscellaneous items reported stolen from
                                                                  JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY (96xx block)
                               residence.                         Nothing reported stolen.             p.m. – Front driver’s  side door entered.
                    burglary   DOUGLAS AVE (50xx block) 08/08/2017   04/21/2017 12:01 a.m. – Miscellaneous items   vehicle.
                               7:00 p.m.- Miscellaneous items reported   reported stolen from residence.  W HUNDRED RD (36xx block) 07/24/2017
                     11  stolen from vehicle.                     KINGS GATE RD (41xx block) 08/06/2017   11:00 p.m. - Rape-Forcible
                               DUNDAS RD (29xx block) 01/01/2016   7:00 a.m. – Vandalism to a residence.  W JAMSON RD (58xx block) 08/08/2017
         weapon violations     12:01a.m. – Vehicle parts reported stolen from   KINGS GATE RD (41xx block) 08/07/2017   12:30 a.m. – Vandalism to a residence.
                        4      DUNDAS RD (30xx block) 08/07/2017 2:00   LARRYVALE DR (24xx block) 08/05/2017   a.m. – Miscellaneous items reported stolen
                                                                                                       WARSON CT (99xx block) 08/06/2017 8:00
                                                                  5:00 p.m. – Vandalism  to a residence.
                               a.m. – Front passenger side door open. Money
                               stolen from vehicle.               4:00 a.m. -  Vandalism to a vehicle.  from residence.
                                                                  LAWNDALE ST (89xx block) 07/30/2017
                                                                                                       WILLIS RD (23xx block) 08/13/2017 9:13
                trespassing    E BOOKER BL (123xx block) 08/08/2017   12:10 a.m. – Front door entry. Money, jewelry,   a.m. – Vehicle parts stolen from restaurant.
                        1      8:00 a.m. – Vandalism to a residence.  and miscellaneous items reported stolen.  WINDWOOD CT (93xx block) 08/09/2017
                                                                                                       10:00 p.m. – Firearms and miscellaneous
                               E PRESTONWOOD AVE (42xx block)
                                                                  LEISURE TR (63xx block) 08/07/2017 11:00
                               8/13/2017 2:00 p.m. – Miscellaneous items   a.m. – Miscellaneous items reported stolen.  items stolen from residence.
                    robbery    reported stolen  from residence.   LITTLE CREEK LN (47xx block) 08/08/2017   WOODS EDGE RD (158xx block) 08/08/2017
                               EAGLE COVE CR (92xx block) 08/09/2017   5:55 p.m. – Miscellaneous items stolen from   5:00 p.m. – Front driver’s side door entry.
                               7:00 p.m. - Front driver’s side door entry.    tree service.            Nothing reported stolen.
                        1  Miscellaneous items reported stolen.   LUCKYLEE CS (36xx block) 08/07/2017 1:00
                               ELOKOMIN AVE (104xx block) 08/06/2017   p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.
                        rape   11:07 p.m. – Vandalism to a vehicle.  LUCKYLEE CS (36xx block) 08/08/2017
                        1      ENON CHURCH RD (18xx block) 08/07/2017   12:42 a.m. – Rear door entry. Nothing
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