Page 14 - 09-23-2017 Full Page magazine views
P. 14


       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                             way of a hurricane landfall.  So I took a   beach at the Hamptons. I drive a Rolls-
       Midday darkness                                                       scouting road trip this last weekend…  Royce, and my wife drives a Jaguar. My
                                                                             seeking out a few areas that might not
                                                                                                                 two boys go to the best private school in
       in the Dogpound                                                       draw the masses but at the same time   the city. We belong to three very swanky
                                                                                                                 clubs, and every year I manage to spend
                                                                             afford a near ground-zero view of the
                                                                                                                 a month in Europe." Psychiatrist: "These
                                                                             moon hiding the sun, and maybe get
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson                                                a few good photographs.  It will be   things are very wonderful, but let’s get
               ello and welcome back to   Well……da….aren’t we special!    an all-day adventure since we plan to   down to your basic problem." Patient: "I
               the wonderful world of the   LOL Only kidding.  Confession time!   leave early just in case there are a lot   was just getting to it, Doctor. You see, I
       HDogpound.  I am in a bit of       I am also taking Monday off to take a   of like-thinking sun chasers [or moon   only make $100 a week!"
       a rush for this article since my Master   closer look at this big national event.    chasers depending on how you look at          I need to wrap this up so my Master
       told me that despite the fact that I had   They say another one that sweeps the   it]…maybe pack a picnic lunch…throw   can get his much deserved time off. [A
       already submitted my article for this   country like this will not happen again in   in some folding chairs…sunscreen…a   little brown nosing never hurt anyone…
       week…they needed another one post   another 17 years…and I am not getting   book or two  and off we go.  Wish me   LOL].  As always be good, do good,
       haste.  And why you may ask?!  And   any younger…so it makes sense to   luck!                             play safe, and remember we all need a
       you may! [Otherwise if you don’t, this   grab my safety solar glasses and head                            little R&R.
       is going to be one very short article].    south.  My biggest concern is traffic,   THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
       They want to take time off to go see   since, based on newspaper reports….  “Three things cannot be long hidden; the   JR
       the eclipse that is flying over most of   thousands are doing the same thing that   sun, the moon, and the truth.”
       the continent of the United States on   I will be doing…and certain main road
       Monday the 21st, and to do that, they   arteries could become clogged….similar                                             –Buddha
       need to get the next issue done early.      to the masses that try to get out of the
                                                                             BASIC PROBLEM

                                                                             Patient: "Oh, Dr. Wilson, I have terrible
                                                                             troubles. I do hope that you can help me.
                                                                             " Psychiatrist: "Now calm down. Just lie
                                                                             down on the couch and tell me all about
                                                                             your troubles." Patient: "Well, Doctor,
                                                                             I have a duplex penthouse apartment in
                                                                             New York and a summer house on the

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