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                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week        SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week           or in person M-F, 10-5.
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $9/column inch
                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $9               DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
              AUDIO                                   JOB OPPORTUNITES                                             SUDOKO PUZZLE
       Car door speaker. Brand new   Help  Wanted for  cleaning                                                                              Difficulty:
       in box. Lites u to the beat of   positions,  plus.  Exp.
       the music. Asking $100 OBO.   Necessary.   Valid Driver’s                                                                                         2 8 1 6      9
       721-7937 or 479-2341.  Lic. and own transportation         Chesterfield County Public Schools                                           Row      6     7        2
                              to office in Chester.  FT/PT,                   Inovative.Engaging.Relevant.                                              7  9       6
       BUILDING MATERIALS     Mon.-Fri. Benefits available.                                                                                   Three-   2  4  2               5 1  Column
                              Maid Services with AR, Inc.

                              Call: 804-748-8471.                                                                                             square  9          3   7
                                                                         Now Hiring
       For sale. 15 bundles of                                    Now Hiring                                                                            9       8   2
       Carriage house shingles.                                                                                                                       8        2     4
       Color – Sherwood Forest                                 Food & Nutrition Services - Manager in Training                                        6     5 9 7 1
       Green. Will cover 300 sq.                                $17,746+ Annually (determined by experience)                                 How to do Sudoku
       ft. roof. Org. cost $46 per                                 Full-Time positions with Benefits                                         Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                                                     – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
                                                                                                                                                          Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
       bundle. Will sell for half price   FULL TIME EVAL-HIRE                                                                                appear just once in every column, row, and
                                                                                                                                                        © 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                    Pub Date:01/20/06  Slug:20USUDOKU16.eps  Size: 25p x 4.125”
       $345. Call Frank or Gabe at   TECHNICAL RETAIL SALES                                                                                  three-by-three square. See example above. For
                                                                  Kitchen Equipment Repair Technician
                                 POSITION AVAILABLE
       339-4608.      POSITION AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY!           $33,905+ Annually (determined by experience)                                 strategies, go to
          CEMETERY PLOTS              $10-12/HR                    Full-Time position with Benefits   Sudoku                                                      The Christian Science Monitor
                                                                                                           By Ben Arnoldy
                      $10-12/HR (mechanical/technical/electronic                                     Difficulty:
       Two (2) cemetery plots,   (mechanical/technical/electronic    Food Service Associates
                      background is a plus)
                                                                                                                2 8 1 6
       Garden 2 Lot 437 3 & 4.    background is a plus)    Contracted Pay Rate $10.00-$15.40 (determined by experience)   Row     6     7          9 2
       Sunset  Memorial  Park.  *Potential to earn bonuses                                                     7  9       6
       $5,790 Value. Both for $4,790.    when reaching sales goals!  *Substitute Pay Rate $9.00      Three-    4  2          1
                      *Potential to earn bonuses when reaching sales
                                 *Duties include assisting
       803-447-6650.            customers on the sales floor,                                        by-three   2                5  Column
                      goals!   answering incoming calls, and           JOIN OUR TEAM!                        9          3   7
       Sunset Memorial Park burial   installing products                                                      8  9       2   8    2

       plot. Prime location. $2,500.                   Apply via the CCPS website at ​​. Complete job   6     5 9 7 1     Sudoku solution
       609-744-2216.  *Duties include assisting customers on the sales                               How to do Sudoku
                                 *CALL/TEXT TIA WITH
                                                         description and application procedures are available on the website.
                                EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT
                      floor, answering incoming calls, and installing                                Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                WEEKLY HOROSCOPE
       Sunset Memorial Park, 2     IMMEDIATELY AT                         EOE/M/F/D                  appear just once in every column, row, and
       plots in Section 2, near the   804-261-4170.                                                  three-by-three square. See example above. For
                                                                                                     strategies, go to
       road and brick walkway, both                                                                  ARIES (March 21-April 19). The week   LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Author
                                                                                                                            and literary critic G.K. Chesterton
                                                                                                     features the chance to present to the
       for $3,900.  Contact Larry                                       By Ben Arnoldy               group. Your desire is to add some-  said, "The poets have been mysteri-

                                                                                                                        The Christian Science Monitor
       Crow, 804-674-1265. *CALL/TEXT TIA WITH EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT                   LEGALS           thing of value or nothing at all. You'll   ously silent on the subject of cheese."
                      IMMEDIATELY AT 804-261-4170.                                                   accomplish this aim either way. If you   There's something you'd like to cel-
       Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset   Oak ent. center. 57”x60”x22”.   THOMAS DALE CLASS   VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT   care to do the research and develop-  ebrate in your own way this week,
                                                                                                                       Pub Date:01/20/06  Slug:20USUDOKU18.eps  Size: 25p x 4.125”
       Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will   VGC. $225. Pro-Form Treadmill.      OF 1972 UPCOMING   COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF   ment, you'll come up with something   and so don't hold back. Maybe you'll
       sell for $5,000.  804-514-9190.  GC. $125. 804-778-4643.  45TH REUNION  CHESTERFIELD          brilliant. And if you sit this round out,   be the first one, but you won't be the
                                                                                                                  © 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
                                                                                                     you'll learn something, too. You can't   only one.
                                                                                                                            SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It's
                                                                             YOUNG CHAI KIM,         lose.   Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                                    MUSICAL           The TDHS Class of 1972 will   f/k/a Ying Cai Jin  TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A person   personal inventory time. Everyone
                                                                                                                                       – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
       2 side-by-side burial plots at                 be celebrating its 45th Re-  Plaintiff         at the bottom of a well looks up and   sees their own shortcomings, but
       Sunset Memorial Park in the                    union on October 21, 2017 at   v.        Civil Action No. CL17-1538  sees the sky as a small circle. This   instead of dwelling on them, give
       Garden of the Word section.   Yamaha EMX 620 powered   The Colonial Heights Moose   JE HOON CHOI,  image sums up something you've   yourself some constructive criticism.
       $3,500 for both. Call 804-721-  6 channel mixer, 2 hot cabs   Lodge at 170 Moose Avenue   Unknown address  been going through. Forces be-  Put it all down on a list. Include the
       5862. Lv. Mg.          speakers w/stands. All patch                   Defendant  Pub Date:03/17/06  Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps   overwhelming number of wonderful
                                                                                                     yond your control have limited your
                              cables, 2 pro mcs. $450 .   in Colonial Heights from 6:30 -            thought process. This week you'll rise   things about you. The enemy is that
                              586-2773 before 9 p.m.  11:30pm. Catered by Allman's    © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.   part of you that feels the need to
                                                                                                     and see the possibilities that were al-
                                                                                ORDER OF PUBLICATION
        CLEANING SERVICES                             BBQ. All beverages will be  Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                                                                              The object of this suit is to obtain a
                                                                                                     ways there. You'll make the most of
                                                                                            SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
                                    SHIPPING          provided. Live DJ & Dancing!   divorce from the bond of matrimony   this realization.   SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). In-
       Miss Vonnie Cleaning                           Casual Dress! $50 per person.   from the Defendant on the basis of a   GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The old   stead of pondering your last incarna-
       Service. Christian lady cleans                 RSVP by September 21,   separation for more than over one year   "fake it 'til you make it" adage doesn't   tion or dreaming about who you'll be
                                                                                                                            in the future, give your full attention
                                                                                                     work for you at all. As the sign of
                                                                             pursuant to Section 20-91(A)(9) of the
       houses, carpets, offices, also   18 Shipping boxes, 1.5, w/  2017. For more information   Virginia Code.  communication, your gift for accu-  and care to the magnificent being
       windows. 23 yrs. Exp. Ref   popcorn pkg. & shipping   email tdknights72@verizon.  It appearing by affidavit previously   rately portraying the way you feel on   staring back at you from the mirror.
       available. 920-8699.   paper included. $40. 248-  net or   filed with this honorable court that   the inside makes it extremely chal-  This person will be your best friend
                              9681.                   (Judy King Crocker) or by   the Defendant is not a resident   lenging to project any sense of con-  this week. Sure, there will be other
                                                      calling Kathy Dosier Canada   of this Commonwealth and the   fidence that you're not experiencing.   people around -- but you're the star.
             DAY CARE
                                      TOOLS           (804) 241-2811. Knights Are   Defendant’s last known residence was   Luckily your self-esteem set-point is   CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
       Home Day Care - Mon                            Forever!               in Shiazhuang, Jilin Province, China,   naturally on the high side.   Regarding your family, remember
                                                                                                     CANCER (June 22-July 22). Some-
                                                                             the Defendant’s present whereabouts
                                                                                                                            this: They won't always be happy at
       through Fri, Infants and   Honda 3200 PSI power                       are unknown, and diligence has been   times it feels like the sense of order   the same time, and your attempts to
       toddlers. Convenient to   washer E.C. $275. 586-2773   Mid Cities-Civic Association   used by or on behalf of the Plaintiff to   that comes with adulthood is an im-  make them all happy are complete-
       turnpikes.  Contract services.   before 9 p.m.  is hosting the 1  Annual   ascertain I what county/city, province   position. You were happier when you   ly futile. Still, you want to spoil them,
       Call 804291-9103 for                           Bellwood Community Bazaar   and country the Defendant is without   weren't as worried about the sched-  and you will. Bonus: You'll please
                                                                             effect, it is ORDERED that the
       interview, references and    YARD SALE         and Yard Sale on October   Defendant JE HOON CHOI appear   ule. How important is it, really, that   your boss and deliver more than
                                                                                                     you hit all the mile markers along the
                                                                                                                            promised to your customers. Friday
       other information.                             14 , 2017 8am to 2pm –   before this Court on or before Sept. 8   way? This is the ideal week to loosen   brings a financial win.
                              Yard Sale/Fall Festival.   Whether you are crafty,   at 8:30 a.m. and protect his interests   your grip. Don't worry. You'll still make   AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). This
         LOST AND FOUND       Vendors needed. Oct. 14.   vendor of direct sales or just   herein.    the deadline.          attitude of yours is not to be taken
                              Spaces available, $15 &   need to fall clean clutter- WE               LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The differ-  lightly. It could and will alter destiny.
       LOST - Yellow Tweety bird &   $25. Hopewell UMC. 6200   HAVE A SPACE FOR YOU!   AN EXTRACT TESTE:  ence  between  a  person's  private   Because of your friendly encourage-
       whistle on key chain w/retail   Courthouse Rd. 804-276-  Reasonable rates $10/$20   Wendy S. Hughes, Clerk  life and public life can be great. For   ment, things happen that would not
       keys. $30 reward. Call 691-  9298.             spaces. For more information   Nosuk Pak Kim, VSB #30675  instance, you're more creative and   have  happened  otherwise.  You  will
                                                                                                                            draw people out and give them the
                                                                                                     quirky than you care to show most
       3423.                                          call 804/275-1416 or email   COWARDIN, KIM & RIDDLE, PLC  people. This week you might dare to   confidence to take risks they were
       FOUND -  Masonic ring         WANTED    601 Thimble Shoals Boulevard, Suite   show others the side of you that right   afraid  to  take  before.  The world  is
                                                                                                     now only your nearest and dearest
                                                                                                                            different because of you.
       found in the parking lot in                                           Newport News, VA 23606  are privy to.          PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The
       front of the Enon library   In need of one or two                     Phone: (757 873-1188    VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). An Af-  praise is coming to you this week.
       on Tuesday, July 25th. Call   pinochle players. Long                  Fax: (757) 873 8480     rican proverb suggests that things   Say thank you and smile, even
       Judy at 943-1924 and give   established Chester game.                 Email:  are more easily laid straight when   though you inwardly believe you are
       description for returning.  Call 240-7842.                            Counsel for Plaintiff   they  are  green  than  when  they  are   still very far from your goal. Truly, ev-
                                                                                                     dry. Use this principle with the young   erything is starting to come together
       LOST - 8-2-17 Silver key in                                                                   learners around you. Try to set them   for you. As you celebrate the small
       handicapped space in front of                                                                 right now while you have the most   victories along the way, you'll believe
       Chester Post Office.  If found                                                                chance to make a difference in their   more and more. This is happening!
       call 804-748-3708.                                                                            lives.                                    902
                                                                                                                                AUGUST 23, 2017  15
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