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SERVICE ADS - As little as $22/week - As little as $22/week
$9/column inch
COMMERCIAL ADS - $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line - $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
Quick haul junk removal. Sudoku
for metal building erectors. Property cleanup’s, trash out, Difficulty:
Siding and installation. Call foreclosures, Standard moving
804-768-0356. and downsizing. Free estimates 2 8 1 6 9
John Newton 804-212-8413 Row 6 7
Three- 6 4 2
4 adjoining Sunset Memorial Part-time caregiver needed by-three 1 2 Column
Park lots. B-59 1, 2, 6, 7. in Chester for elderly woman. 5 9
$6,900 757-254-8812. Call 425-2688, Lv.Msg. 3 7 9
8 2 8
2 plots side-by-side. Best HOUSEHOLD 2 4 6
location in Sunset Memorial 5 9 7 1
Park, w/vaults. Org. $8,240, 4 pc. LR set. Sofa, love seat, How to do Sudoku
asking $6,000 OBO. 727-239- chair, ottoman. $1,500. 7 pc. Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
1713. White dining set. $399. Call DECEMBER 2, 2017 appear just once in every column, row, and
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479-5906. .eps Size: 25p x 4.125” three-by-three square. See example above.
Pub Date:02/10/06 Slug:10USUDOKUsyndicationAns
(2) cemetery plots, side- For strategies, go to
by-side, Sunset Memorial ENTERTAINMENT
By Ben Arnoldy
Gardens. $4,000 for both. Sudoku The Christian Science Monitor
1-804-598-1162. Play Station 3. Asking $200 Difficulty: Sudoku Solution
Sunset Memorial Park burial OBO. 721-7939. 2 8 1 6 9
plot. Prime location. $2,500. Row 6 7 2
609-744-2216. CAC door speakers; lites and Three- 7 9 6
links to the music; brand new by-three 2 4 2 1 5 Column
Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset in box. Asking $125. 721- square 9 3 7
Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will 7939. 9 8 2
sell for $5,000. 804-514-9190. 8 6 5 9 7 1
PETS How to do Sudoku Sudoku solution
Sunset Memorial Park. 4 Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
plots, $1,500 each. 2 open, FREE grey and white bunny appear just once in every column, row, and
three-by-three square. See example above. For
2 closing $1,000 each. All with floppy ears. 363-7959. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Why is to pass for plausible reality. The
strategies, go to
together or separate. Upfront By Ben Arnoldy it that the people we open wide our average casual passerby likely will
The Christian Science Monitor
by gate. Nice location. 804- ROOM FOR RENT homes and schedules to never take be objective enough to see the
210-0977. us up on the offer? A Scottish proverb outrageous nonsense as utterly
One bedroom for rent. Mature suggests that what can be done ridiculous, while intelligent people
3 burial plots Sunset Memorial at any time will be done at no time. close to the action may begin to
Park (Garden of Devotion). adult w/job to share kit/bath That’s why if you really don’t want to question their rationality. The moral of
set up a visit with someone this week,
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only. Randy (804) 919-2375. 804-908-4193. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Methods person has a unique tolerance level
of change don’t work unless you work for togetherness. If someone wants
them. Nothing happens until you get more social attention than you do,
Pub Date:02/10/06 Slug:10USUDOKUSyndicatonGame .eps Size: 25p x 4.125”
MAUSOLEUM RECREATION involved and take action. However, it can feel suffocating. If someone
© 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
some methods are more exciting and
Pub Date:03/17/06 Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps needs to be alone more, it can feel
KAYAK- 2014 Wilderness © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved. like a rejection. Avoid the pain of
motivational than others. You’ll strike
Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
(2) Mausoleum in Sunset Systems Pungo 120 - color - Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
on a new system that has helped
mismatched needs by consciously
Memorial Park. Opening& sand - $ 700 OBO neg. - EC SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF ILLUSTRATOR.eps seeking those with a similar social
many achieve results. If you follow it,
Closing. 4 level, No. 7 & 8. - Don 804-334-2053. you’ll get the same results or better. set-point.
Total $17,880. 804-526-3778 GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Most SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It
or 796-1582. WANTED things of value are hard won. If it takes an animated person to realize
happens very easily, it’s usually a
when a scene is static. The others will
sign that there will be more to pay just call it “normal” and be content
Someone with a darkroom
ADVERTISE HERE who can develop film. 363- later. Keep this in mind as a too- to operate within it until they see the
good-to-be-true scenario unfolds this
If you are reading this, so is 7959. week. Take what’s given and enjoy it, difference. You like to move energy
around, and that skill will come in
your potential buyer. all the while realizing that the work handy now. You’ll change people’s
Call 751-0421 YARD SALE has only just begun. perspectives and lives this week just
to place your ad. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your by being you.
week will be filled with colorful
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Garage/yard sale. Nov. 11, characters. Some seem to love their This week you’ll experience another
7-3. 2933 Kingsland Rd. Save Big $$ by Advertising pets more than they love their family, one of those situations that are no
EVENT ADS NASCAR items, HESS truck, friends and people in general. It one’s fault, and yet you’re the only
doesn’t only seem true; it is true. If
one who can make it better. Just
Everything For Kids iques, cast iron, dolls,
Southside Moms of Multiples
CALL Christmas items. Antique Your Legal Notice you’re to pursue a relationship with know that making it better is not the
Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am.
Fall & Winter Sale
Cash and credit cards.
7401 Hull Street Rd.
Manchester Middle School,
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Find us on Facebook.
Strollers, clothes, furniture,
this type of person, you’ll have to be
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fishing lures2933 Kingsland
in a relationship with their animals,
responsibility you are being the
804-751- Rd. in the Village News too, or it’s not going to work. bigger and better person -- but that
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve
is nothing new for you.
0421 If you are reading this, so is Ads starting at $9/col. inch renegotiated in the past, and now AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). No one
you’re not so sure you can be trusted
can take away your power to choose
to keep the agreements you make
3- LINES - your potential buyer. with yourself. Try again anyhow. what to think. Choosing thoughts is
one of your most important abilities,
Make a small promise and keep it,
and you’ll use it well. It does take a
Call 751-0421
$11 to place your ad. and then another and another. This is bit of experimentation, as thoughts
being human. Later you’ll look back
don’t always lead to the expected
FOR We are Certified by the Circuit Court to Publish Legal Notices and wonder why you chose to see it place this week. But you’ll start to
as a struggle.
recognize the thoughts that lead to
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). How big
ONE WEEK Ads may be received electronically. Paid by check or credit card. of a game do you want to play? If action, movement and love.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There
you want to play in the top leagues,
have been times when you’ve
For more information or to submit your ads call Linda at 751-0421 you must be able to handle the top wanted to amp up your appeal, but
or e-mail: problems. As for the petty troubles of this week you can’t afford to get any
this week, try to approach them with
more appealing than you are. You
grace and certainty. They are what don’t need people wanting things
make you better able to handle an from you. You have enough on the
ever-expanding life. schedule already. In order to stay
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Caution: focused, you’ll give the outside world
Outrageous nonsense may try a little less attention than usual. 122
NOVEMBER 8, 2017 15